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Christianity growing in Iran despite severe persecution

Under, or perhaps hiding from, the ever watchful eye of Iranian police, the underground house church movement in Iran is exploding. “The house churches are causing such rapid growth in conversions it ...

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Muslim herdsmen kill 300 Nigerian Christians

Muslim Fulani herdsmen, believed to be buoyed by Boko Haram insurgents posing as the nomadic cattlemen, continue to occupy farmland in Benue state, Nigeria, two weeks after killing more than 300 Christian ...

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Language proves God’s existence, scientist says

Evidence for God’s existence is, quite literally, on the tip of your tongue, says professor Jeremy Lyon. Lyon, associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, Ga., and ...

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More than 1.1 million people joined their voices in the global hymn sing

 An estimated 1.1 million people in over 100 countries joined together Feb. 21 to sing “Facing a Task Unfinished,” a 90-year-old hymn that has been updated by internationally acclaimed hymn writers Keith ...

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Global hymn sing focuses on Christian persecution

Thousands of churches and missions agencies in 48 countries will join together in a united effort to draw attention to Christian persecution and the need for evangelism. On Feb. 21, thousands of ...

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Israel and apartheid: South African students weigh in

About two-dozen people file into Dodd 175 at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus on a Thursday night, scouting out seats and picking at the kosher pizza in the back ...

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Wycliffe Associates to launch Bible translation in high persecution regions

In a region where conversion to Christianity is punishable by death, Wycliffe Associates plans to launch 10 new Bible translation projects in the next 30 days. The projects will employ the MAST ...

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Olympic games become transgender

In late January, the International Olympic Committee, or IOC, announced a change in policies that will enable transgendered athletes to compete in Olympic games “without first having to undergo gender reassignment surgery.” ...

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World’s most dangerous cities include St. Louis

Four U.S. cities are among the 50 most dangerous in the world. The rankings were compiled by a Mexican research group–the Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice– which released its annual ...

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Worldwide persecution of Christians at “historic levels” says report

According to the 2015 Open Doors World Watch List, the Middle East Remains Most Violent While Africa Sees Largest Increase in Persecution of Christians While the year 2014 will go down in ...

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God ranks high in New Year’s resolutions

When Americans make New Year’s resolutions, a better relationship with God ranks almost as high as better health, according to a study. And for many groups, faith actually outranks health. Older Americans, ...

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Bible translators are turning to tablets for work in volatile regions

Wycliffe Associates is now providing mother-tongue Bible translators with computer tablets in an effort to give translators a safe and efficient way to work on Scripture translation projects in cultures that are ...

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Muslims Shield Christians in Bus Attack

NAIROBI, Kenya — Christian leaders have hailed as an act of bravery and selflessness the shielding of some Christians by Muslims after suspected al-Shabab gunmen in Mandera County ambushed a passenger bus. ...

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Climate Change Accord Hurts World’s Poor

PARIS — The climate change accord struck in Paris among 195 nations thankfully is nonbinding, evangelical commentators noted, because rigorous implementation of it could harm the world’s poorest residents and stifle nations’ ...

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Reaching Syrian Refugees with Hope

MIDDLE EAST — Christian missions workers like Peter Matheson are working to bring hope to refugees. But the ongoing crisis has taken a toll on the many he serves — and on ...

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Prayer Ad Banned from Theaters

The Church of England (COE) is asking why its ad extolling the importance of prayer, was banned from being shown during the trailers at theaters across the country. The prayer ad banned from theaters had received ...

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China Ends One-Child Policy

After decades, the Communist Party’s central committee relaxes rule, allowing two children per family. After 35 years and untold millions of babies aborted, China has agreed to end its one-child policy and ...

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Christianity Disappearing in Middle East, Africa

Christianity is fast disappearing from entire regions, most notably a huge chunk of the Middle East, and could vanish from Iraq within 5 years, according to a new report by Catholic charity ...

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India blocks access to porn sites

Millions of India’s online movie-browsers met a mysterious information blockade as laptops glowed with a cryptic message: “This site has been blocked as per the instructions of Competent Authority.” India’s government required ...

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Presidential Candidates Tout Support for Israel

Six American presidential candidates made their pitch on Israel and the Middle East to thousands of prospective Christian voters on Monday at the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit. CUFI said ...

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UCC Denomination No Friend of Israel

Declining United Church of Christ’s Israel divestment might not pack any punch The United Church of Christ (UCC) last week became the latest mainline Protestant denomination to approve a resolution calling for ...

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3,000 Mile Ride2Freedom to Stop in KC

A group of 30 youths from 13 countries on five continents will stop in Kansas City on their 3,300-mile bicycle journey across the United States. Their mission: to call attention to plight ...

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How Aquaponics helps Trash Mountain people

By Mollyanne Gibson |   I traveled with Trash Mountain Project to Tegucigalpa, Honduras to build an aquaponics system at Amor Fe y Esperanza school for a week in February. It was ...

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Christians and Jews Team Up to Fight Islamic Persecution

JERUSALEM, Israel — As stories of new beheadings of Christian children in Iraq come to light, many wonder – who will speak out against it? Now Jews and Christians are banding together ...

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“State of Emergency” Declared for Middle East Christians

Are the world’s oldest Christian communities on the verge of extinction?  A state of emergency declared for Middle East Christians could bring their plight to a wider world audience as  evangelical and Protestant ...

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