Home / Faith / Israelis gather at Western Wall in prayer for hostages, wounded
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Israelis gather in prayer at the Western Wall, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024. Photo: video

Israelis gather at Western Wall in prayer for hostages, wounded

Israelis came together today at the Western Wall as part of a national day of prayer. It was broadcast live but you can view the video at the end of the article.

A press release sent to Metro Voice from the Government Press Office stated, “In light of the call from the Chief Rabbis of Israel, rabbis, and Torah scholars to observe a day of prayer regarding the difficult situation facing the people of Israel, and in response to the current situation affecting the residents of Zion and the healing of the injured in body and soul, a prayer gathering will take place at the Western Wall.”

The gathering took place at 3:30 pm Israeli time.

Israel’s chief rabbis oversaw the event and were joined by the rabbi of the Western Wall and holy sites, rabbis and public figures, and with the participation of thousands of Jews, and the families of the abducted, injured, and soldiers. The press office stated it was a time  “to cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel.”

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It came as it was revealed one of Israel’s top entertainers was seriously wounded in action in Gaza. Idan Amedi, one of the stars of “Fauda” on Netflix and a popular singer, was hit by shrapnel and is in serious condition his family said in a statement.

Many Christians were also present at the service.

During the prayers, selichot will was recited following the Sephardic and Ashkenazi traditions, including chapters from the Yom Kippur Katan prayer and Psalms, as well as prayers for the well-being of IDF soldiers and security forces, and the swift return of the abducted to safety.

Israel has been at war since Gazan Arabs, under the direction of the terrorist group Hamas, invaded the country on Oct. 7. More than 1,200 Israelis were murdered, including over 360 people at a peace music festival. At least 250 Israelis and others, including at least 10 Americans, were taken hostage.

Authorities say they believe 136 hostages remain captive by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group but do not know if all of them are alive.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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