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Tag Archives: china

China behind Marriott Hotels data breach

The personal data of Americans who’ve stayed at a Marriott–owned hotel property may have been caught up in a data sweep by the Chinese Communist regime targeting U.S. government and military officials. ...

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China arrests pastor and his 100 church members

China is tightening its grip on the country’s Christians through repeated efforts to persecute and silence the Church including arrests and imprisonment. The latest example happened Sunday when Communist party officials detained ...

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ANALYSIS: How the media misreading China caused the Dow drop

On Dec. 4, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had an 800 point drop, a plunge that apparently was caused by Westerners’ misunderstanding of China. According to several media reports, investors had believed ...

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China bows, America pauses trade war

China has apparently bowed to economic pressures brought on by increased tariffs under the Trump administration. In a closed-door dinner between Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Group of 20 ...

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Video of Chinese police raiding church surfaces


Americans read of Chinese police raiding churches but rarely, if ever, has a video of such an event been available. This week one such video posted to social media shows Chinese authorities raiding ...

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China is fast losing the trade war

NEWS ANALYSIS: Two years ago, Beijing was flying high. Well on its way to dominating the world. Or so it thought. Sure, the newly elected American president had talked tough on trade, ...

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Chinese judge shares horrific witness to executions, organ harvesting

In this narrative essay, Zhong Jinhua, a former judge and lawyer in Wenzhou, southeastern China, shares his harrowing experiences as a witness to mass executions, as well as organ harvesting from death ...

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Replica of Titanic will set sail in 2022


Icebergs beware, a replica of the famous ship Titanic will make the same voyage in 2022 Titanic II plans to take on 2,400 passengers and 900 crew members to match almost exactly ...

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GOOD NEWS: World poverty rates are dropping

Poverty rates around the world are falling dramatically, especially in the last few years but there’s still much work to be done. While the United States experiences record growth, global economic prospects ...

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Pence: China is meddling in mid-term elections

Vice President Mike Pence accused the Chinese government of meddling through an aggressive military, economic and political campaign to expand its influence inside the United States. In a speech at the Hudson ...

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Marco Rubio takes on Chinese over religious persecution

Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Congressman Christopher Smith (R., N.J.) condemned the “unconscionable” persecution of religious minorities in China during a press conference Wednesday. The remarks followed the release of the ...

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Chinese communists rewriting Bible and hymns


WASHINGTON — The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which they are rewriting the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress. The ...

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Here’s why persecution of Christians in China is exploding

This summer, Christians in China are experiencing an escalating wave of persecution unseen since Mao’s Cultural Revolution. “We’re seeing more persecution or a higher level of persecution,” said The Voice of the Martyrs ...

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China’s believers face new threat: camera’s in church


China’s independent churches are facing a new threat: forced to allow the government to spy on who worships in them or face the threat of being shut down. The Zion church in ...

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Report: China hacked Clinton servers during entire term

A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private servers throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on the matter ...

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China training pilots to target U.S.

For years, foreign policy and military experts have been warning that China, not Russia, is America’s biggest threat. That theory gained weight this week after a new report was released. China is ...

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As China increases tariffs, new markets open for farmers

Missouri rice farmers could soon have a new export market. Greg Yielding, with the Missouri Rice Council and U.S. Rice Producers says Egypt is very interested in buying Missouri’s unmilled rice. Water ...

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How one cyber attack could kill 90% of U.S.

WASHINGTON – In the past eight months, federal authorities have issued public warnings about foreign hackers penetrating the US  power grid and other critical infrastructure. Cyber security experts say the intent is ...

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ANALYSIS: The truth behind tariffs and what it means

America’s new auto, aluminum and steel tariff policies have now triggered retaliatory tariffs from other nations including Canada, the EU and China. Last week Trump imposed new tariffs on more than $30 ...

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Chinese Communists arrest another pastor


Local Chinese law enforcement authorities raided a gathering of members from the Bible Reformed Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong on June 10. According to the website China Aid, authorities arrested Pastor Huang Xiaoning ...

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China hopes for implementation of N. Korea-U.S. summit outcome

BEIJING (June 19, 2018) — Chinese President Xi Jinping told North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday he hopes Pyongyang and Washington can fully implement the outcome of last week’s nuclear ...

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China blinks, bends to Trump pressure over tariffs

In a huge victory for the Trump administration’s tough talk on trade with China, the communist country has announced it will cut import tariffs on a range of consumer items including apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, and fitness products ...

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Will new tariffs on China create more fair trade?

It’s no secret that each year, China floods the U.S. market with cheap goods–with many of these products made in conditions that would be illegal in most of the world. Add to ...

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Chinese Christians being sent to ‘re-education’ camps

 Just ahead of this month’s Olympics, it has been revealed that more than 100 Christians have been sent to “re-education” camps in China’s north-western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the past few ...

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Artifacts tell story of Jews fleeing to Shanghai


As the world prepares to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27, a recently unveiled exhibit at a Holocaust museum in Brooklyn tells the largely untold story of Eastern European religious ...

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