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Religious Christmas postage stamps still point to ‘reason for the season’

christmas stamps

Step up to any United States Post Office counter or log onto its official government-sponsored website, and anyone in the market for “Christmas”-themed postage stamps has three options: “A visit from St. ...

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Kansas City charter schools enrollment surpasses public schools

charter public

For the first time ever, more K-12 students in Kansas City are enrolled in charter schools than in traditional public schools. Charter schools are public schools that operate outside the control of the ...

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YouVersion Bible app celebrates half-billion worldwide installations

youversion bible

Bible reading is on the rise during the pandemic, thanks in part to the success of the YouVersion app. YouVersion recently because the first Bible app to reach 500 million installations worldwide. ...

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This humble Amish author has sold more than 350,000 books and she’s not done


Amish author of 39 books has fans around the world. Imagine you’re a writer who has never received a rejection letter and you have a contract to write two novels per year ...

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Fear of the mark of the beast not a valid reason to avoid vaccine, scholars say

Although some people have legitimate reasons for not being vaccinated for COVID-19, fear of receiving the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation should not be one of them, a New Testament ...

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What do leaked Facebook documents reveal about its response to sex trafficking?

facebook trafficking

Does Facebook allow sex trafficking organizations to use the site while banning Christians? It does says media critic Ted Baehr in an interview on CBN News. Baehr laid out the social media ...

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Underneath all the makeup, who was the real Tammy Faye?

tammy faye

What is it about televangelists Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker that continues to fascinate nearly 35 years after the fall of their ministry empire? Jim Bakker still makes headlines selling survival food ...

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Texas’ strategy on abortion really invented by the Left

As I write these words, Texas is virtually abortion-free. No, Roe v Wade was not overturned. Nor has Texas padlocked Planned Parenthood’s clinics. Rather, abortionists have closed their doors for fear of being sued. Here’s ...

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Are sex and gender the same thing?

It has become a common assumption today that sex and gender are two different things. The new gender orthodoxy simplistically asserts, “Sex is what’s between your legs. Gender is what’s between your ...

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In Moscow, Idaho, ‘Christian Reconstructionists’ thrive amid Evangelical turmoil

evangelical idaho

Evangelical groups in the U.S. are facing dwindling numbers. And a messy cultural fight over the direction of the movement might serve to drive further defections. But while some of the largest Protestant denominations in ...

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Supreme Court reinstates Trump ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy Biden had cancelled

The U.S. Supreme Court is ordering the Biden administration to reinstate the Trump “Remain in Mexico” policy. It requires people seeking asylum to wait in Mexico until their case is heard. The ...

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Democrats vote to eliminate pro-life Hyde Amendment

democrats hyde

House Democrats voted this week to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, fulfilling the fears of pro-life voters across the nation. The longstanding legislative provision for decades ensured U.S. taxpayer dollars don’t go to ...

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Incremental increase in gas tax will begin in October

missouri gas

The Missouri tax on gas will increase by 2.5 cents annually beginning in October, eventually reaching 29.5 cents per gallon by 2025. Gov. Mike Parson signed the bill into law this week. ...

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China, digital currency, and the ‘mark of the beast’ linked says CEO

China is on the cusp of launching a digital currency that will give the communist regime total control over the Chinese people. The move has huge implications for the rest of the ...

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More than 85% of Democrats support critical race theory while America rejects it

Although the majority of Americans reject critical race theory, Democrats overwhelmingly support it. The Economist/YouGov poll released this week showed that 58 percent of Americans polled find the controversial curriculum somewhat or ...

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“Race-based Marxism” say Cruz, DeSantis about critical race theory

Critical race theory is a racist worldview that applies Marxism’s theory of economic class conflict to race, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said. Speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Road to Majority ...

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Iowa latest state to ban critical race theory

iowa race

Another state has banned critical race theory. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed legislation this week banning the theory from being taught and promoted in government agencies, schools or state-funded universities. Critical race ...

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California to pay churches $2 million for unfair Covid regulations

The State of California has been forced to enter into permanent injunctions that prohibit the state from ever again imposing discriminatory Covid restrictions on all houses of worship statewide. It comes after ...

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New Israeli coalition formed to end Netanyahu and 12 year run

Israel will have a new government after multiple parties formed a new coalition on Wednesday. The union means enough votes in the country’s Knesset to replace Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister. A ...

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Tulsa churches join in remembering destruction of black community in race riots

tulsa riots

Six congregations gathered at First Baptist Church of North Tulsa to commemorate the city’s race riots of a century ago. That’s when, in 1921,  a white mob destroyed at least a half-dozen ...

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Three Jewish Congressional Democrats urge Biden to name anti-Semitism ambassador

As the “Squad” continues to promote anti-Semitism, several other Democrats in Congress are pushing back. Three Jewish House Democrats are calling on President Biden to appoint an ambassador-at-large to combat anti-Semitism that ...

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Free online course reminds us why Americans need patriotism

patriotism americans

Have you noticed a decreasing sense of patriotism among younger Americans today? Have you seen the polls suggesting that they are increasingly attracted to socialism and other ideas destructive of liberty? To ...

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Disney deletes Jerusalem from Passover greeting

disney jerusalem

Disney, not known for historical accuracy, deleted Jerusalem from a common Jewish greeting on Passover. Disney Channel aired the public service announcement for the most sacred Jewish holy day and replaced a ...

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Black Lives Matter is anti-Israel says Black Solidarity With Israel leader

anti-israel black

As the Black Lives Matter movement now aligns itself with radical anti-Israel groups, the head of a leading black organization that supports Israel is having none of it. On Tuesday the group ...

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See the powerful videos as Israel stops to remember the Holocaust

The nation of Israel paused on Thursday to remember the Holocaust. For 24 hours, restaurants and entertainment venues shut their doors and TV stations dedicated their programming almost exclusively to Holocaust documentaries ...

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