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The problem with Bethlehem: Christians disappearing under Palestinian rule

A United Nations Special Envoy to the World Council of Independent Christian Churches is defending Christians currently living under Palestinian control in the West Bank.  Laurie Cardoza-Moore has called upon Christians to confront ...

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Palestinian leader committed to terrorist pay for killers

The Palestinian Authority is doubling down on its commitment to terrorist pay for those who kill Jews or commit any other act of terrorism against Israeli civilians. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ...

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Judo athlete fears death after Iranian officials demanded he forfeit match

The Iranian-born world champion judo fighter Saeid Mollaei is fearing for his life after refusing Tehran’s demands that he withdraw from a tournament to avoid fighting against an Israeli opponent. Mollaei competed ...

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Historic: Jews, Christians pray at The Hague to call nations back to Jerusalem


In 2017 something amazing began that brought Jews and Christians together – to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This year the prayers emanated from The Hague – the seat of world judicial ...

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Last remaining Jews in Sudan move to Israel with emotional greeting

The last remaining Jews of South Sudan finally arrived in Israel this week after being separated from their relatives for more than 10 years. Suzi Makoriel and her three children made the ...

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Israel strikes Palestinian terror cell in Lebanon

A Lebanese state news agency is reporting that Israel carried out three raids on Sunday night that targeted a Palestinian terrorist organization based in Lebanon. The report, from the state-owned National News ...

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US to unveil major peace plan after Israeli elections

The Trump administration has announced that the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be released after Israeli elections on Sept. 17. Trump stated that there have been “decades of hate” between Israelis and Palestinians ...

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Omar, Tlaib now want to cut Israel aid

Democrats are considering punishing Israel for its right to deny two anti-Semitic Congresswomen from entering the nation after it was revealed their trip was sponsored by a group sympathetic to terrorism. Rep. ...

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Jordan considers breaking peace treaty with Israel

Jordan, a nation that could not exist without Israel’s generosity, is ramping up its spat with the Jewish State over allowing non-Muslim worshippers to be on the Temple Mount.  Some Jordanian lawmakers ...

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Omar, Tlaib banned from Israel over BDS support

Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the radical US Congresswomen who have both been accused of making antisemitic statements, are being banned from entering Israel over their support for an ...

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Radical Congresswomen boycott bi-partisan trip to Israel

There’s not much that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on these days. Unless you’re talking about bi-partisan support for Israel. They can agree on that. Support for Israel regularly brings people ...

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Israel joins US-led coalition confronting Iran in Persian Gulf

Israel is assisting the U.S.-led naval mission to bolster security for vessels in the Persian Gulf‘s Strait of Hormuz, Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said this week. According to a report by ...

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Israeli start-ups work to sow joy, hope in hearts of disabled

Millions of disabled people around the world endure struggles and hardships that others can’t imagine.  But organizations in Israel are determined to provide real-life solutions to their daily challenges by partnering with ...

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UN wrongly targets Israel on women’s rights while ignoring real abusers

In a shocking, or perhaps not-so shocking vote the U.N. Economic and Social Council approved a resolution that targets only Israel for alleged violations of women’s rights, while ignoring countries like Iran, ...

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Palestinian hero who rescued Jewish kids from Arab mob granted Israeli residency

A Palestinian man who faced death threats after saving the lives of Israeli children following a terrorist attack which killed their rabbi father has been given Israeli residency. The unnamed 28-year old ...

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Israeli breakthrough: Tracking molecular changes in the brain

In another ground-breaking advancement in medicine, Israeli scientists have successfully transformed a MRI camera into a device can detect brain disease by recording molecular changes in brain tissue. Professor Aviv Mezer, and ...

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Congresswoman Omar’s Israel visit may be blocked over radicalism

Anti-Semitic US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is not welcome in Israeli if the organization Shurat HaDin is successful in attempts to block her from visiting the country. Omar has made several vocal ...

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To further peace process, Israel set to approve 700 new Palestinian homes

In a effort to encourage the peace process with Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s ancient homeland which is today referred to as the “West Bank,” 700 new Palestinian homes  have ...

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Kushner heads back to Jerusalem for peace talks

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday after kicking off a major Middle East tour in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. US Envoy to ...

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Former ISIS fighter praises Israel as a ‘democratic state’

In a video that has gone viral in the Arab world, a captured Arab-Israeli man turned ISIS fighter, has made explosive statements saying he has changed his mind and wants to return ...

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Switzerland suspends funding to Palestinian ‘refugee’ agency

An ethics report that found gross mismanagement in the UN agency for Palestinian “refugees” has led to Switzerland to suspend all funding. The report discovered mismanagement and abuse of authority at the ...

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Learning Jewish Beginnings and Why Israel Matters: free classes July 29

This Monday, July 29, you are invited to consider a five-week class on one of two critical topics for Christian (and Jewish) learning. Going into its 23rd year offering studies for Christians ...

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Artists descend on Israel to turn bomb shelters into art

SDEROT, Israel – When the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement started creeping into the world of street art, one group of renowned artists decided to speak out in their own ...

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Researchers find Ziklag, where David hid from Saul

A team of researchers have announced they have a stunning discovery, finding the biblical city of Ziklag where David hid from King Saul. Pottery dating back to the time of King David, ...

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Researcher thinks Ark of the Covenant under the Temple Mount


Could the Ark of the Covenant still be near the underground remains of King Solomon’s First Temple? For centuries, the search for the Ark has captured the imagination of movie makers, archeologists ...

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