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Respect Life

Encourage Gov. Kelly to sign the Abortion Pill Reversal Notification bill

Kansans for Life’s top legislative priority this year has been passed by both the Kansas House and Senate and is now on its way to Governor Laura Kelly as of April 15, ...

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‘Unplanned’ still in Top 10, surprising media critics


Much to the surprise of the media critics who wanted to deter moviegoers from seeing it, the pro-life movie “Unplanned” finished in the top 10 at the box office for the second ...

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Ohio legislature passes ‘fetal heartbeat’ bill

fetal heartbeat

On Wednesday, April 10, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill banning abortions when a baby’s heartbeat is detected and sent the bill to the governor’s desk for approval. The state will ...

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Actress Alyssa Milano uses Bible to support abortion stance

Actress Alyssa Milano, who left a mediocre acting career to become an outspoken pro-abortion advocate, is outraged by Georgia’s “heartbeat” bill. The bill bans abortions as soon as a baby’s heartbeat is ...

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Dobson defeats Obamacare ‘assault on religious freedom’

Dr. James Dobson’s Family Institute has won a big legal victory, securing the right to follow their pro-life Christian beliefs under Obamacare. The five-year legal fight was all about the Obamacare abortion ...

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Trump shifting Planned Parenthood funds to pro-life clinics

The Trump administration has announced it is awarding a $1.7 million family planning grant to a chain of pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics in California. At the same time, the administration is cutting ...

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‘We are executing children in cold blood’: Activist mommy plans ‘Day of Mourning’ April 6

Richmond, Virginia will be ground-zero for a nationwide event called “Day of Mourning,” which is planned for Saturday, April 6. The grassroots movement is being called a solemn act of repentance for ...

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“Unplanned’ is an R-rated movie everyone should see


Unplanned, out in theaters this week, is the R-rated movie everyone needs to see, including teenagers. I know, I know. R-rated is bad. Really bad. So why do I think everyone should ...

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Study finds 48% of post-abortion women were coerced

Jessica Stanton writes about a study on how post-abortion women were coerced into abortions: “In a study conducted by Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, Dr. Ian Gentles, and Dr. Elizabeth Ring–Cassidy published in 2013 ...

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Down Syndrome Day gets special day at White House


World Down Syndrome Day doesn’t get a lot of mention in the media. Friday’s official commemoration and weekend activities, however, were elevated to a special place by President Trump and Vice President ...

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‘Unplanned’ movie directors share conviction for the unborn

Abby Johnson

Following on the success of the God’s Not Dead series, these two film producers hope Unplanned will also start a discussion on a contemporary topic. Filmmakers Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman are no ...

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91 babies saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, so far; Video

Today we know of 91 babies saved from abortion by the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign since March 6…and the fate of one of those children was left to chance. “One ...

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Washington tells church: Pay for abortion coverage or break the law

An evangelical church is suing the state of Washington over a new law requiring employers to cover abortion in insurance plans if those policies also cover maternity.   Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) ...

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“Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates now available

choose life plates

After a 16-year battle, Kansans can finally pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates. In 2002, the Kansas legislature approved the Choose Life license plate. However, the governor at the time, ...

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Girl Scouts honors member for pro-abortion activism

girl scouts

Girl Scouts of America chapter has openly revealed its pro-abortion stance by honoring an Arizona girl for her work on so-called “reproductive health justice.” The Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona granted Meghna ...

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Pro-Life Action Day at State Capitol Tuesday

Individuals who value the life of the unborn, adoption and foster care, the elderly, and special needs individuals, will gather in the Missouri State Capitol Tuesday, March 12. It’s the “Show Me ...

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Kansas Congressman at center to push Democrats to save babies

democrats babies

Late Wednesday, one week after Senate Democrats voted to block a bill to stop infanticide, House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and ...

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Born with only 2% of his brain, boy confounds doctors as his brain continues to grow to near normal capacity

Way back in October of 2016, we wrote about how the British Department of Health had just announced it had approved what it euphemistically called “Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing” for use by the National ...

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Planned Parenthood loses court case over new Missouri law

In a major setback for Planned Parenthood in Missouri, a judge has ruled that state restrictions were not “undue” burdens on women seeking abortions. Current Missouri law requires that abortionists have hospital admitting ...

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Democrats block bill that protects babies after abortion

As polls show young Democrat voters increasingly identifying as pro-life, Senate Democrats Monday night blocked legislation that would protect babies who survive botched abortion attempts. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which ...

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Christian movie directors say ‘R’ rating on pro-life film is censorship

abortion rating unplanned

Christian filmmakers behind the pro-life movie “Unplanned” have refused to alter the film’s message despite being informed by the Motion Picture Association of America that the film will be rated R — ...

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Trump ends ‘slush fund’ for Planned Parenthood

The Trump administration has delivered a blow to the abortion industry, finalizing a rule that redirects Title X family planning funds away from groups like Planned Parenthood, which is America’s biggest abortion provider. ...

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Push to expand abortion backfires, pro-life support grows

In 2019, Democratic politicians have doubled down on their push to expand abortion including late-term abortions up to the moment of birth. In January, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that ...

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President Trump takes pro-life cause personally, confronts Senator Coons

In a gathering which observers say showed Donald Trump’s deeply emotional response to the pro-life cause, the president met with an abortion survivor and a child who was born after just 20 ...

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Times Square screens to be blasted with ultrasounds

ultrasound times square

In a bold move, New York’s Times Square monitors screens will be blasted by live ultrasounds thanks to Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family announced the May 4 event for ...

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