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Prayer guide for coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was criticized this week for offering a prayer during a meeting on the coronavirus. Democrats, Hollywood actors and media outlets blasted the effort as “anti-science.”  But the comments ...

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Dozens injured Thursday in Palestinian attacks on Isarelis

Security forces have arrested the Palestinian man responsible for injuring 12 soldiers when he rammed his car into them early Thursday morning outside First Station. The attacks on Israelis some just a ...

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World leaders in Jerusalem today to remember Holocaust

The world’s attention will be in Jerusalem Wednesday and Thursday as world leaders and heads of state from around the globe gather are to mark and participate in ceremonies commemorating the 75th ...

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Nigerian Christian bride and bridesmaids killed on way to wedding


One of the cruelest and most horrific incidents of Nigerian Christians being attacked and murdered by Muslim extremists is coming to light. The latest news reveals the brutal murder of a woman ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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Jewish grandfather sexually assaulted by German teens

Attacks on the Jewish community of Germany continue as Berlin police investigate the second anti-Semitic attack in days. On Tuesday, five youths aged 12 to 15 sexually assaulted a 68-year-old grandfather on his ...

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Senators introduce bills to limit President’s ability to respond to threats

Democrats in Congress are pushing bills to limit the President’s ability to quickly respond to threats using the military, saying it should not be used in countering Iranian attacks. The latest Senate ...

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Thousands of Jews and Christians rally in New York to protest rising anti-Semitism

More than 25,000 people rallied in New York City on Sunday to support the Jewish community and speak out against rising anti-Semitism. The solidarity march included people from all backgrounds. The rally ...

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Animal rights activist stabs woman wearing faux fur boots in church

stabbed fur

A woman has been arrested and is awaiting charges after she attacked and stabbed another woman inside a church because of her boots. The stabbing happened Wednesday shortly after 5 p.m. at ...

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Muslim bus driver saves Christians from terrorist ambush

Eight Christians owe their lives to a muslim bus driver who sped away from Islamic extremist group who were demanding he stop so they could execute his passengers. The amazing example of ...

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Girl made up story that media used to attack Karen Pence


A Virginia sixth grader who claimed three of her white male classmates held her down and cut off her dreadlocks is now saying she made up the entire story. But the revelation may ...

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President releases U.S. oil reserves

President Donald Trump announced on Sunday evening that he has authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve following attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fields and refineries. “Based on the ...

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Drone attack takes out half of Saudi oil production

Smoke is still blackening the skies over large areas of Saudi Arabia Sunday morning after an attack by  Iranian drones operated by rebels in Yemen on Saturday. The attack and resulting fires ...

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Son of Osama Bin Laden is dead

The son of infamous terrorist Osama bin Laden is dead, President Donald Trump confirmed on Sept. 14. Reports that Hamza bin Laden was killed emerged on July 31 but had gone uncorroborated ...

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America remembers 9/11 attacks

Americans commemorated 9/11 with solemn ceremonies and vows on September 11 to “never forget” 18 years after the deadliest terror attacks on American soil. A crowd of victims’ relatives assembled at ground ...

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Here’s why America canceled talks with the Taliban

There will be no talks, for now, between the United States and the Afghanistan‘s Taliban. The Trump administration nixed the meeting after a U.S. service member was killed last week.  That means the ...

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Palestinian leader committed to terrorist pay for killers

The Palestinian Authority is doubling down on its commitment to terrorist pay for those who kill Jews or commit any other act of terrorism against Israeli civilians. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ...

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Wycliffe Bible translator murdered, wife’s hand cut off by Muslim attackers


Cameroon continues to see an alarming increase in attacks on Christians by the hands of muslims. Now news comes that a Wycliffe Bible translator in the nation has been murdered in a ...

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Fulani terrorists targeting Nigerian clergy

Christian church leaders continue to be targeted in Nigeria with reports of more kidnappings and murder by Fulani terrorists. The latest is a priest who narrowly escaped a murder attempt two weeks ...

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Universal cancels release of movie portraying hunted Trump voters


After days of outrage from many quarters, Universal Pictures has canceled the release of the controversial and violent movie ‘The Hunt’ simply saying that, ‘now is not the right time.’ “While Universal Pictures ...

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Christian construction workers in Kenya saved by Muslim neighbors

A recent incident where Muslims helped Christians avoid being murdered by a jihadist group is finally being told. The Christians, who were working at a government hospital construction site in Kutulo, Kenya, escaped ...

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How Islamic extremists use social media as a weapon against Christians

The ministry Open Doors USA reports a trend of hackers, working with Islamic extremists, taking over Christian Facebook pages and posting anti-Islamic messages. The fake posts then generate outrage against the Christians ...

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65 Christian Nigerians slaughtered after funeral


Over 65 Christians returning from a funeral in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Muslim extremists over the weekend. Nigerian state television is reporting it is one of the deadliest attacks on civilians ...

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Artists descend on Israel to turn bomb shelters into art

SDEROT, Israel – When the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement started creeping into the world of street art, one group of renowned artists decided to speak out in their own ...

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AOC chief of staff attacks Kansas’ Sharice Davids

House Democrats are calling out the chief of staff for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) over comments about a Kansas Congresswoman. The latest split on the left that highlights established lawmakers’ growing impatience with radical ...

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