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Tag Archives: christians

Muslim Fulani herdsmen massacre Christians after baby dedication in Nigeria

Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 17 Christians who had gathered after a baby dedication at a church in central Nigeria, including the mother of the child, sources said. Safaratu John Kabiru Ali, the ...

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National Day of Prayer calls Americans to ‘Love One Another’

A praying church has always been the hope of America. On Thursday, May 2, thousands of prayer gatherings attended by hundreds of thousands of Christians will adorn the landscape of America on ...

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Every child in Sunday school said they would die for Christ, minutes later half did

It was a children’s Sunday school much like that in churches around the world. On this Easter Sunday, in the children’s class at Zion Church in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, the kids were ...

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Video shows bomber entering church, death toll approaches 400


The death toll from suicide bomber attacks against Christians in Sri Lanka has risen to 359 with more victims dying each day. Police say that dozens of suspects have been arrested and ...

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High school textbook lists Trump primary voters as racist, Christians bigots


Many Advanced Placement students will be using a new textbook that indicates President Trump as mentally ill and his supporters as angry and racist. The American History textbook By the People: A History ...

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Extremists launch Easter attack on hotels, churches in Sri Lanka

sri lanka

Two more explosions claiming at least two lives have been reported in Sri Lanka, bringing the Easter Day attack tally to eight blasts and at least 207 dead. Police told Reuters that ...

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‘Keep God in your life’ is the secret says couple married 82 years


Willie Williams’ joy was palpable as she spoke about the first time she met her 103-year-old husband, Daniel W. Williams. At 100 years old, the devout Christian woman can’t remember all the details ...

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Sudanese churches unite in call for democracy


The call for democracy in Sudan is uniting churches across the nation as protests continue after a military coup ousted the abusive government. In a sign of  national unity among many faiths, on ...

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Half of pastors are worried about offending someone if they speak out on social issues

Pastors are pressured from all sides to speak out on hot button issues, but struggle with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage. In a new ...

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Whole Christian villages wiped out, media silent

Another week. Hundreds more dead and wounded Christians lay in villages in Nigeria while the world sleeps. Brothers and sisters in Christ were the target of yet more bloody attacks in the ...

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Is this where Christians go wrong when trying to change culture?

Christians have spent endless hours seeking to answer the question, “How can we best transform culture?” Dr. Lance Wallnau, nationally known for developing a framework modeling how Christians should engage culture, recently ...

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300 Nigerian Christians killed, world silent


The news regarding Nigerian Christians is getting progressively worse as it is being reported that more than 300 believers were killed in at least seven predominantly Christian villages across Nigeria from mid ...

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Media reporting on New Zealand, but did you hear about that OTHER bigotry-driven massacre?

“If it bleeds, it leads” is, say critics, the morbid media standard. But it’s more accurate to say that if the right person bleeds, it leads. A good example would be the ...

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Nigerian Muslim militants kill 120 Christians in three weeks – where is the outrage?

While the media is focused on the New Zealand shootings, the recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached 120 with this week’s slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim ...

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China uses dynamite to destroy well-known megachurch

china dynamite

Chinese authorities have blown up with dynanmite a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming . Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand ...

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40 years after the birth of Islamic Iran

islamic iran

This month marks the 4oth anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In late February and March 1979, a recently returned-from-exile Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini led an uprising that eventually ousted the Shah of ...

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EXAMINING OUR VALUE: What is the place of the Church and Christians in today’s society?

Many people gravitate towards the idea of helping the poor within our community, nation and world. However, do we really understand who the poor are, and what poverty and suffering really is? ...

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Could invite for Abu Dhabi prince to visit Israel lead to peace?

It has been over 40 years since an Arab nation has signed a peace agreement with Israel. Some are hoping that Abu Dhabi may be the next and are encouraging dialogue between ...

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Rabbi from famous TV commercials supporting Holocaust survivors dies


Christians and Jews have lost a good friend and partner who worked tirelesly to support Holocaust survivors in Israel and Russia. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, who readers may recognize from late-night TV commercials ...

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Will new Democratic government in NE Syria survive?

democratic syria

NORTHEAST SYRIA – One of the untold stories unfolding in northeast Syria is the emergence of a representative form of government that represents all the peoples such as the Kurds, Christians and ...

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The amazing ways North Koreans secretly share the Gospel

A pastor and two North Korean Christians who defected from the hermit kingdom without being captured have revealed the creative ways they continue to share the Gospel with those back home. Peter ...

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Four Super Bowl Christians to look for in Sunday’s game

In 2002, the up-and-coming New England Patriots stunned the Los Angeles Rams in the Super Bowl. That win marked the beginning of the New England dynasty. Seventeen years later, the storylines are reversed. ...

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Defying odds, Chicago Christians get political

chicago politics

You wouldn’t necessarily think of Chicago as a center of organized Christian political activism. It’s not part of the Bible belt, is one of the largest and most liberal urban areas in ...

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Imprisoned Iranian Christians refuse to renounce faith

Two Iranian Christians at their final appeal hearing were ordered by a court to renounce their Christian faith to gain their freedom but they refused to do so. Christian Solidarity Worldwide said the ...

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Country that persecuted Christians makes dramatic turnaround

persecuted christians

A list released each year by Open Doors USA ranks persecution of Christians by country around the world. It has had a profound impact on one Middle East Country. The organization has ...

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