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Tag Archives: election

Madison Cawthorn, youngest person elected to Congress in 55 years, shares his faith


Madison Cawthorn recently made history when he became the youngest person elected to Congress since 1965. He also is well known for standing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during his speech ...

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Alternative social media sites Parler, MeWe, Gab becoming popular in wake of election

Parler MeWe Gab

Many conservatives are switching to other social media platforms such as Parler, MeWe or Gab instead of Facebook or Twitter. These social networking services have been around for several years and classify themselves ...

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Fifteen additional pro-life women elected to House of Representatives

pro-life women

One underreported story from Election Day is that at least 15 new pro-life women will join the House of Representatives in January. “We attribute their success to the fact that life is ...

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Former top Michigan election official: evidence needs ‘court intervention’

The former top election official in Michigan has signed a sworn affidavit calling for a state-wide recount, citing sufficient evidence of election fraud. Ruth Johnson said the allegations made in a recent ...

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Number of Christian voters declining, research finds

The U.S. religious landscape has undergone profound changes in recent years, with the share of Christians in the population continuing to decline, according to the Pew Research Center. Today, Christians make up about half ...

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Jewish vote for Republican presidential candidate biggest in decades

Regardless of the outcome of the U.S. presidential race, the close results and possibility of a split Congress indicate that the nation remains deeply divided politically and socially. The Jewish community is ...

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Biden, Harris announce they’ll reverse pro-life executive orders

The fears of pro-life voters are being realized as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris prepare to reverse policies that have saved countless babies from abortion. Should they officially be declared the winners ...

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Who can really heal the nation?

Joe Biden spoke of it during his victory-claiming, Saturday night speech. Time Magazine has now made it their new front cover. It is, we are being told, “time to heal.” But will it be that easy? ...

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Christians who prophesied Trump victory say election is still not over

A number of prominent Christians shared prophecies that President Donald Trump would be reelected. Prophesies that have now, well, been proven un-prophetic. They’re still saying it’s not over until it’s over. “The ...

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353 counties have more registered voters than citizens of legal age

counties voters freest

Washington, DC – Judicial Watch has released more information from a September 2020 study revealing that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, ...

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Attorneys general from across nation sue Pennsylvania over ballots

Attorneys general from across the nation are joining a lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania mail-in ballots before the U.S. Supreme Court, according to multiple reports. Missouri’s AG is now one of them. A spokesperson for Missouri Attorney ...

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Biden addresses nation as Michigan legislature issues subpoenas over fraud

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden decided to address the nation as “president-elect” on Saturday night despite the fact that Electoral College “Electors,” and not news outlets, determine who is ...

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Judicial Watch shares concerns over changing vote totals

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, has shared important background on both the laws concerning the election of a president and concerns over how ballots were counted in the 2020 election.  Judicial ...

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Liberty U removes Piper convocation after election tweet

Liberty piper east political relationships

The fallout from pre-election criticism of President Trump by popular pastor and author John Piper continues. Shortly after Piper’s election post went viral, Liberty University removed the pastor’s convocation, citing “a controversy ...

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Orange County looks to flip Congressional seats red

In Southern California, Orange County looks to return conservatives to Congress. Two Republican challengers have continued to widen slim leads over Orange County California Democratic House members. The races remained too close ...

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President Trump’s remarks on ballot counting and alleged fraud

ballot campaign voter attorney general

Metro Voice regularly shares the transcripts of the President’s remarks in an effort to bypass media filters. Below are President Trump‘s remarks about ballot counting and suspected fraud in Philadelphia. The remarks ...

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Seven in 10 Jackson County voters reject removal of Andrew Jackson statues

Two statues of Andrew Jackson will remain standing in the county named after him. Jackson County voters rejected the measure to remove both the downtown statue and the one outside the Truman ...

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200 evangelical leaders sign letter calling for peace following elections

As Americans await the outcome of the presidential election, more than 200 evangelical leaders are encouraging communities to rise above political partisanship and societal divisions to live out the gospel by pursuing ...

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Liberty or death: there is no Option C


“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but ...

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What kind of America will you choose?

Much of the media would have you believe that the upcoming elections are really just about personalities. Who’s more empathetic? Who’s more dignified? Who’s more likable? The truth is, Americans won’t just be ...

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Letter to Editor addresses voters

Dear Voters: You have a choice between two medical doctors when you vote for your U.S. Senator, and that should make everything OK, right? Medical doctors are supposed to practice the Hippocratic ...

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Take Topeka Metro to vote on Election Day, Nov. 3rd

Topeka Metro bus

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 is Election Day. Topeka has routes that go by many of Topeka’s polling locations within the city limits. Topeka Metro fares have been waived for the month of ...

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Absentee ballots could cause long Missouri election night

ballots missouri results right primary

A Missouri political science professors is expecting a long election night as absentee votes are counted. In previous elections, Missouri counties posted absentee ballot results first. For Tuesday’s general election, that practice ...

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Witches plot ‘binding spell’ on Trump, calling up a ‘blue wave’

The world’s witches and Satanists are actively working to ensure Joe Biden is elected on Nov. 3. Their actions have even turned violent against Christians gathering to pray for the nation and ...

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Someone attempts to register dozens of dead people in Florida

Dead people in Florida are registering as Democrats ahead of the Nov. 3 election. That was the outcome after a person tried to register dozens of dead people as new voters in ...

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