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Tag Archives: World Health Organization

Homeschooling expands across nation as schools push restrictive Covid policies

School restrictions and closures during the Covid pandemic continue to fuel a rapid rise in the prevalence of homeschooling. In the spring of 2020, around 5.4 percent of households in the United ...

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Abortion once again was leading cause of death worldwide last year

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2021, with more than three times as many people losing their lives to abortion than the second-leading cause of death. Worldometer, a database ...

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World Health Organization criticizes politicians talking of ‘new’ virus in Britain

According to news service Rueters, the World Health Organization has warned politicians and health officials about false claims there’s a new and more deadly Covid virus. The WHO stated the virus in ...

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IMF: US recovery 50% stronger than expected

The U.S. economy is recovering faster than anyone thought. That assessment is not from the Trump administration but from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF has issued a “significant upgrade” to ...

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WHO urges halt to lockdowns worldwide

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Stop using lockdowns to control the pandemic. That’s what the World Health Organization is now urging political leaders around the globe “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as ...

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The Covid-19 timeline explained


Covid-19 fear grips the masses. Thanks to the misinformation spread by the media, the bureaucrats of the CDC, and politicians, a majority of people don’t know what the truth is about what ...

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Cuomo supports Trump views on failure of WHO

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that President Donald Trump was right to question the World Health Organization (WHO) for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking at his daily briefing on the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus that causes ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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First US state sues Communist Chinese government over coronavirus

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday sued the Chinese government over the way it has handled the coronavirus pandemic. It is the first state to file such a suit, according to ...

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Super-stressed at work? Doctors can now diagnose you with ‘Burnout’

Feeling tired and overwhelmed from work? The World Health Organization (WHO) has added an official new diagnosis for you – it’s called “burnout.” USA Today reports the professional health community can now diagnose burnout ...

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