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Tag Archives: netanyahu

Dwight and Anita Widaman to talk about Israel at October 12 event


Metro Voice publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman will be the guests of Calvary Baptist Church – Independence on Saturday, Oct. 12 for a special presentation titled, “Israel–See Beyond.” The free event will ...

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Netanyahu given green light to form ruling majority

As Metro Voice returned from Israel on Tuesday with 32 tour guests, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity to form a new government. The country has ...

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US to unveil major peace plan after Israeli elections

The Trump administration has announced that the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be released after Israeli elections on Sept. 17. Trump stated that there have been “decades of hate” between Israelis and Palestinians ...

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To further peace process, Israel set to approve 700 new Palestinian homes

In a effort to encourage the peace process with Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s ancient homeland which is today referred to as the “West Bank,” 700 new Palestinian homes  have ...

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Kushner heads back to Jerusalem for peace talks

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday after kicking off a major Middle East tour in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. US Envoy to ...

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Historic security summit to be held Jerusalem

For the first time ever, US officials have brokered a joint meeting between Israel, the United States and Russia. The unprecedented meeting will be attended by security officials from all three countries ...

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Israel to have election redux after coalition fails over military service

Israel will hold an unprecedented national election September 17 after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to put together a coalition government. The snag came over military service for ultra-orthodox citizens. The ...

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Israel’s newest planned city to be named after Trump

After a historic win in recent elections, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a nod to Donald Trump’s rock stars status in Israel. Netanyahu says he will name Israel’s newest ultra-modern ...

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Polls indicate dead heat in Israeli election

Israel is just hours away form having an official winner to lead the country as prime minister. Rivals Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu are each claiming victory as exit polls show the ...

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Secretary of State Pompeo: God may have raised up Trump like He raised up Queen Esther

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CBN News in a sit-down interview that it is very possible that President Trump is a modern-day Esther poised to defend Israel and save the Jewish people. CBN‘s ...

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Pompeo back in Israel in effort to counter Iran

JERUSALEM, Israel – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is traveling in the Middle East this week in a concerted effort with allies to halt the growing power of Iran. Israel, as Iran’s main ...

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Netanyahu’s Christmas greeting to Christians is amazing

In a heartfelt televised address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his gratitude in a Christmas greeting to Christians around the world, and in the US in particular, for their strong support ...

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Israeli leaders offer prayers after synagogue attack

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack on Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue Saturday. “I was heartbroken and appalled by the murderous attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue today,” Netanyahu said in ...

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