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Tag Archives: biden

The government wants banks to share how you spend your money

In May, the Treasury Department released the Biden administration’s revenue proposals for fiscal year 2022. One aspect of this document that has gone under-reported is the administration’s new plan for reporting requirements for ...

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Missouri Chamber of Commerce opposes Biden vaccine mandates

The controversial COVID-19 vaccine mandate from the Biden administration will affect 100 million Americans including those working for Missouri businesses. Regulations for federal workers will apply to more than 3,700 companies in ...

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Biden now says al-Qaeda could come back after U.S. retreat

biden al-qaeda

After originally, and on numerous occasions, denying that al-Qaeda could strengthen in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden, now says it’s possible. He made the comments on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 ...

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President Biden’s approval rating continues to plunge in polls

Fewer than four in 10 Americans approve of the job President Joe Biden is doing according to the latest polls. A new Economist/YouGov poll found that Biden’s approval ratings “on his handling ...

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Biden may announce national vaccine mandate today

In a speech today, President Joe Biden could announce federal efforts to force vaccinations on Americans. White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday asserted that new restrictions and a mandate could ...

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Biden forces out Trump appointees to U.S. military academies

Board members serving U.S. military service academies are being fired or forced to resign by the Biden administration because many were appointed by Donald Trump. They include well-respected generals and a female ...

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After Biden Administration lost track, 1/3 of migrant children may be with traffickers

During the Trump administration, 600 migrant children were placed in protective custody. Most were separated from individuals whom Immigration could not confirm were their parents. The practice was roundly criticized by Democrats ...

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Sam Brownback warns of humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan

Former United States Ambassador Sam Brownback has issued a statement on the Biden administration handing Afghanistan over to the Taliban. Brownback served as the Trump administration’s ambassador for religious freedom around the ...

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Hurricane Ida damage likely to result in higher gas prices for Labor Day weekend

Anyone planning to travel for Labor Day weekend can expect to pay more for gasoline. On top of Biden administration policies that have caused gas costs to rise, Hurricane Ida has shut ...

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Actress Angelina Jolie criticizes Biden administration’s handling of Afghanistan

Actress Angelina Jolie, daughter of conservative activist Jon Voight, said she is ashamed of the way President Biden has handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. In an Instagram post, the A-list celebrity ...

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Afghan Christians being “hunted like animals,” urgent prayer needed

International Christian Concern, which monitors persecution around the world, is pleading with Christians to pray for Afghan believers.  They face persecution and death in the face of the Taliban’s takeover of the ...

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At least 12 US service members killed in Taliban attack

At least 10 U.S. service members have been killed by the bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan today. The dead include 11 Marines and one Navy Medic. It marks the first deaths in the Country ...

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Trump encourages supporters to get the vaccine whose development he spearheaded

Former President Donald Trump last week continued to remind supporters that he has been vaccinated against COVID-19 and encouraged them to do the same. “I believe totally in your freedoms, I do,” ...

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Biden wants all companies to mandate shot

President Joe Biden is demanding all companies impose vaccination requirements on employees. “If you’re a business leader, a nonprofit leader, a state or local leader, who has been waiting for full FDA approval to ...

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Afghans delete social media after Taliban seizes U.S. spy equipment

afghan equipment

Afghans are deleting their social media accounts after the Taliban has seized internet spying equipment abandoned by the Biden administration. The equipment could also give the Taliban the ability to spy on ...

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Media ministry SAT-7 reaches out to Christians trapped in Afghanistan

sat-7 afghanistan

The Middle Eastern media ministry SAT-7 is providing a lifeline for isolated Christians in Afghanistan as the resurgent Taliban go door-to-door, executing believers who refuse to renounce their faith. “We’re hearing from ...

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Where is God in Afghanistan?

afghanistan god

What I Know About Afghanistan…really isn’t much. But I’ve been there a few times. And I’ve had my heart broken there more than a few times. Once, we were walking back at ...

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Eighty members of Congress call out Biden administration’s violation of abortion conscience laws

A coalition of 21 senators and 63 members of the U.S. House have signed a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra saying the ...

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After US debacle in Afghanistan, China holds invasion drill near Taiwan

Responding to the Biden administration’s failure in Afghanistan, China is holding invasion drills near Taiwan. The exercises, meant to capitalize on the United States hastily abandoning its allies in Afghanistan, used fighter ...

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Christians under threat as U.S. flees Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

afghanistan taliban

As a humanitarian crisis explodes in Afghanistan while the United States makes a hasty retreat from the Taliban, the White House remains virtually silent. The country’s Christians are also silent because they’re ...

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Court says Christian doctors can refuse to perform abortion, gender transition

A federal judge ruled this week that the Biden administration cannot force Christian doctors and religious hospitals to perform abortions or gender transition procedures under Obamacare. The case involves a portion of ...

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Open Doors USA encourages approval of religious ambassador nominee

religious ambassado

Open Doors USA is urging fast approval of Rashad Hussein as ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom in the Biden administration. “Hussain is a well-qualified nominee with a deep understanding of the factors ...

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World powers give Israel OK to retaliate against Iran after drone attack

After a deadly attack on an Israeli ship, three world powers have given Israel the green light to attack Iran. The unusual unified response by the U.S., Russia and Britain comes days ...

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Coast Guard returns 27 Cubans fleeing dictatorship

The Biden administration is being roundly criticized for sending 27 Cubans fleeing Communism back to the Island dictatorship. The news comes as over 350,000 other migrants from around the world are being housed ...

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States ending extra unemployment see huge increase in people finding jobs

unemployment states

States that withdrew from the federal pandemic unemployment bonus in June saw improving jobs numbers and fewer individuals filing for benefits compared to other states, according analysis of federal data. The states, ...

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