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Tag Archives: If Not For Grace

Silent Stories Lost in the middle of Pro-life/Pro-choice debate


Lost in the middle of the Pro-life/Pro-choice debate sit millions of women and men impacted by their abortion experience. Abortion is arguably one of the most heated discussions in today’s culture. Both ...

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Season of giving offers opportunities to help kids

season giving

This is the season of giving.  Most people, despite whatever financial struggle they find themselves in, dig a little deeper to support charities. One of the reasons is that they want to ...

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What Can I Do?

can i

The heart and mission of If Not For Grace Ministries can be found in Isaiah 61:1-3, where we are called to “bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives…to comfort ...

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What Next?

now what

The last few years have felt a lot like a pressure cooker, with many ingredients coming together to create the perfect storm. With every new major event, the pressure has been building ...

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Abortion – The regret is real

abortion real

Statistics fly around us all the time. Unemployment rates, inflation, divorce, social media use, foster care, education…and the list goes on. These numbers are published daily in a variety of media outlets. ...

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Adoption, Fostering and Life Directory


Metro Voice annually works with regional adoption and foster care organizations, women’s clinics, policy groups and other pro-life entities. For information on any of the fine organizations below,  just click and check ...

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Local ministries rely on your generosity to serve women, babies and adoptive children

Dwight and I go out for breakfast to celebrate special occasions such as the first snowfall of the season, election day, and school snow days. Last year while enjoying the snowflakes, a ...

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1 in 4 men & women need a safe place to process the pain of abortion

not for 1 in 4

Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience an abortion in their lifetime? Did you know that many regret their abortion decision; walking in a cloud of grief, shame and ...

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