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What Can I Do?

The heart and mission of If Not For Grace Ministries can be found in Isaiah 61:1-3, where we are called to “bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives…to comfort all who mourn…” INFG provides a safe, guided setting for participants to navigate their own recovery through the complex emotions, circumstances, and lies that they have internalized. They have the opportunity to explore their true identity in Christ, become reconciled to God and their lost children, and supported as they take next steps in their ongoing healing. Each participant has a unique journey, but the common goal for all is a personal and flourishing relationship with Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Healer.

It’s undeniable that abortion is a reality in our culture and those impacted need support on the other side of their decisions. They are all around us (1:4 women will make this decision). You come in contact with those impacted by an abortion decision every single day. In reality, we are all impacted in some way. So we ask the question, “What can I DO?”

  • The foundation of any successful ministry is prayer. You can help lay this foundation through your own personal, consistent, and intentional prayers. Pray for those hurt by abortion, those considering abortion, those healing from abortion, and family members affected by abortion
  • GIVE. No ministry can survive without faithful and dedicated supporters. Not only are your gifts tangible indications of your partnership, they also bring you into the mission of sowing into other’s lives and stories.
  • ENCOURAGE. Be alert to opportunities to engage with someone impacted by abortion. Listen, without judgment and let them know there is support and hope after abortion.
  • Be ready with information about local ministries in your area to give to those in need.
  • EMPOWER. Come alongside and help someone make that phone call, write that email, make that appointment, attend that group. Whatever they need to take steps toward their healing.
  • PARTICIPATE. If you have made an abortion decision, there is no shame in seeking a safe place to deal and heal. In fact, your healing will bring peace to you and will bring hope to those around you.
  • God doesn’t need your experience, skill, brokenness…He just needs willings hand and willing hearts. There will always be a place to serve in this area of ministry.

We can no longer say we don’t know how to help. It is simple. Be compassionate, kind and point people to the only one who will love them and heal them wholly. For more information, check us out at

Written by: Linda Verhulst


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