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Tag Archives: migrants

Kris Kobach: Understanding the caravan — the map says it all

It’s often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That is certainly true with respect to the massive migrant caravan from Central America that has arrived in Tijuana. In this ...

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Communist group encouraging migrants to rush California border

TIJUANA, Mexico—California-based communist group BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) has failed in its attempt to rally migrants in Tijuana to march to the U.S. border. In a tweet posted by BAMN on Nov. 29, ...

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MS-13 gang member crossed border with migrants

Another member of the notorious transnational gang, MS-13, has been arrested in California after traveling north with the migrant caravan and illegally entering the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency ...

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100 caravan migrants kidnapped by traffickers

Human rights activists reported that 100 or more people who were traveling in the migrant caravan didn’t make it to Mexico City because they were kidnapped by human traffickers. The group climbed ...

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1 in 10 migrants in Caravan have violent criminal records

More than 270 members of the first migrant caravans currently heading north through Central America and Mexico toward the United States have confirmed criminal histories, including known gang membership. The caravan has ...

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Policy on 300,000 yearly anchor babies under scrutiny


Should the United States continue to allow the practice of people traveling here, either illegally or legally, just for the purpose of having a child so that child automatically becomes a citizen? ...

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Migrant children now at risk of disease, death

Children traveling in a migrant caravan are vulnerable to disease and should be protected, Oaxaca’s Human Rights Ombudsman, Arturo Peimbedrt, said on Oct. 29. Some of the children are unaccompanied, while others ...

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Migrants turn down offers of jobs, benefits in Mexico

A U.S.-bound caravan of Central American migrants pressed on through southern Mexico on Oct. 27, in spite of generous Mexican government offers of jobs, welfare benefits, healthcare and education for their children. ...

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Troops approved for nation’s southern border

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has authorized the use of troops and other military resources at the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. officials said on Friday, bolstering President Donald Trump’s efforts to protect the nation ...

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Migrant mass swells to 5,000, resumes march to US

Despite Mexican efforts to stop them at the border, a Central American migrant group has swelled to over 5,000 people as they advance toward the U.S. border. The news came as Mexican ...

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Swedes vote opposition to generous immigration policy

As Europeans continue to struggle with the issue of immigration, add another country that has been rocked at the polls over the issue. Sweden has become the latest European nation where voters ...

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Illegal migrants head to U.S. border demanding end to all border security

A group of 1,500 illegal migrants are marching north through Mexico headed to a planned protest at the United States – Mexico border. Their written demands are that American citizens remove all ...

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