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Tag Archives: attacks

Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Nigerian Christians fear they will be ‘extinct’ as more villages burn


The Nigerian genocide against Christians continued this week as Fulani Muslim herdsmen burned hundreds of homes. The attack killed 13 people on Monday, including three children, and destroyed four Christian villages in ...

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Large family target of attacks in Uganda

“Fire!” came the yells from outside the eastern Uganda home Yusuf Tulo as he and his sizeable family. Neighbors continued to shout, “Fire!” until Yusuf came to the door. When they went ...

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Advocates for Nigerian Christians fear a Rwanda-type genocide

The populous nation of Nigeria has been a hotbed for violence against Christians. Those who defend religious freedom in countries like Nigeria fear another genocide along the lines of Rwanda is a ...

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Germans to wear kippahs to support Jewish community

Germans are being asked to wear a Jewish skull cap, or kippah, on Saturday in solidarity with the Jewish community as anti-Semitism rises. A German official had warned Jews last week to ...

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New York man guilty of leading Hezbollah sleeper cell, planning attacks

Are there terrorist sleeper cells operating in the United States? Yes, according to the US Justice Department after a New York man was found guilty Thursday. He was accused of working as ...

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Dem candidates silent about terrorist rockets fired into Israel

The silence is deafening. That’s the conclusion of a report studying the response of the leading 2020 Democratic candidates and their reaction to a barrage of nearly 700 rockets fired by Hamas ...

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Video shows bomber entering church, death toll approaches 400


The death toll from suicide bomber attacks against Christians in Sri Lanka has risen to 359 with more victims dying each day. Police say that dozens of suspects have been arrested and ...

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Extremists launch Easter attack on hotels, churches in Sri Lanka

sri lanka

Two more explosions claiming at least two lives have been reported in Sri Lanka, bringing the Easter Day attack tally to eight blasts and at least 207 dead. Police told Reuters that ...

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Dems go against polls, launch three new Trump investigations

Going against polls that show Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to stop investigations and get to work, Democrat leaders of three key House committees launched a multi-pronged attack on President Donald Trump on ...

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Top Rabbi in Argentina brutally attacked in home

As hate crimes against Jews increase around the world, many are seeing wondering if the incidents mirror those of the early 1930s. Monday, Argentina’s chief rabbi was brutally beaten in his home ...

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Vice President Pence’s wife attacked for new job at Christian school

The battle to force private schools and churches to hire LGBT and cross-gender teachers, pastors and staff is heating up after the new job of the wife of Vice President Pence was ...

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Family of suicide bombers blows up multiple churches

An entire family of Muslims is responsible for multiple suicide attacks that struck Indonesia. On Monday, CCTV captured the moment when five suspected Islamic militants, including an 8-year-old child, riding two motorcycles ...

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Remembering 9/11 From the Middle East

The Muslim call to prayer can wake you up at 4:16 in the morning, even on the eighth floor of your hotel. The heavy glass windows and twelve-foot tall curtains — so ...

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