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About Topeka Metro Voice

Topeka Metro Voice is a free monthly tabloid-size newspaper serving the community in Topeka/Northeast Kansas with over 7,000 printed copies distributed each month. We reach thousands more through our website and social media. We are a locally-owned, family-friendly community news source celebrating faith, family and community. We present news and views you don’t usually find elsewhere, and with a traditional, Christian and family-values perspective. We take submissions for articles, news, press releases and photos from anyone who is interested. We are interested in anything local or regional that would be of interest to our readers.

We also offer the area’s largest family-friendly event calendar that is free to post in. It is printed monthly and updated online every week. We also serve the community by offering advertising and marketing with the lowest possible cost-per-thousand rates, and focusing on what our advertisers want to say about their business/organization and what makes them different. We do this through print advertising, news articles, email newsletters, social media postings, web stories & ads and through sponsored events. Metro Voice is also one of the organizers and sponsors of the annual EasterFest event in Topeka, and is a founding member of C5Alive (formerly the Capital City Christian Chamber of Commerce) (www.C5Alive.org). C5Alive focuses on Creating Christian Culture in the Capital City, by working with Christian business owners, churches and non-profits.

Topeka Metro Voice can also consult to help your organization with all its marketing needs, with low-cost TV, radio and digital advertising options. Our distribution service can place your publications, flyers, posters or brochures in hundreds of locations, including groceries, churches, restaurants and many other retail & business outlets.

Topeka Metro Voice began in 2006 and is owned by Lee Hartman, who also publishes Topeka Health & Wellness magazine (www.TopekaHealthandWellness.com) and is President of C5Alive (www.C5Alive.org), a Christian non-profit producing local events. We are also affiliated with the Kansas City Metro Voice, with whom we share this website. Topeka Metro Voice is a member of the Christian Newspaper Association, which has members throughout the United States and Canada; the Evangelical Press Association (EPA); Topeka Business Network; and the Topeka Independent Business Association (TIBA).

For more information about us, or for Topeka area marketing assistance through us and/or our partners/affiliates, you may reach us at:

Topeka Metro Voice

PO Box 5724
Topeka, KS 66605

Phone/Fax: 785-235-3340

Email: voice@cox.net

Go here to visit the Topeka Metro Voice Facebook page for local event notices, breaking news and local announcements. To help us spread the word, and to continue seeing our posts on your Facebook feed, “Like” the page and then like or share a post now and then, so that they will keep showing up in your feed.

Can You Help?

As churches, ministries and businesses resume public events and outreach, don’t forget the advertising support that the Topeka Metro Voice relies on for survival. For 18 years, Topeka Metro Voice has been a leader in community and faith-based news. We have historically relied on advertising to fund the mission of our publication and sharing the Good News, as well as supporting local small businesses and community events. We are now seeking partners who want to support our publication and our mission of faith-based journalism and supporting the community and local small businesses. We are saddened when we learn that a Christian organization or business has a big event, but doesn’t use Metro Voice to help promote it. They don’t realize that in addition to providing them with a service of connecting them with our readers, they are also supporting Christian journalism efforts in our community. We don’t charge a lot – even $25 can get you a small ad, and only $10 per month will get a church listed in our directory. Not to mention, we are very effective at reaching the local folks to spread information about your events and organizations! Remind your church, ministry, or business advertising decision-maker to consider us as a partner, and let’s support each other!

Do you like what you read here? Help us continue our mission by supporting the Topeka Metro Voice in print and online for as little as $5. Every contribution counts, big or small. We sincerely thank you for your continued support and encouragement in these critical times.
