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Global Christian Leaders Gather for Historic Jerusalem Council ll

In a historic gathering reminiscent of the first-century church, Global Church Network, the world’s largest pastors’ network, will convene Jerusalem Council II in Athens, Greece, to discuss fulfilling the Great Commission. The August 2025 summit promises to unite key Christian leaders from more than 100 nations, representing every major denomination and Christian fellowship.

“At Jerusalem Council I, less than two decades after Jesus’ resurrection, Jewish followers of Jesus honored his Great Commission by welcoming Gentiles,” Davis said. “In Jerusalem Council II, 2,000 years after Jesus’ resurrection, the Global Church Network will reaffirm Jesus’ Great Commission and synergize our collective work to more effectively share with all people groups the eternal hope God has made available in Jesus Christ.”

Global leaders will come with the anticipation of hearing what ‘the Spirit is saying to the church today.’

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“In the Jerusalem Council II, just as Jerusalem Council I recognized, the church’s mission is grounded in scripture, in the good news of what Jesus Christ has done and empowered by the Spirit to serve the global unity of Jesus’ movement and our mission to the world,” said cohost Dr. Craig Keener, New Testament scholar at Asbury Seminary.

The groundbreaking event will feature renowned speakers including:
• Dr. Byoungho Zoh, founder and president of Tongdok Bible Church in Seoul, South Korea
• Dr. Carla Sunberg, Church of the Nazarene superintendent from Lenexa, Kan.
• Dr. Alex Mitala, founder of New Birth Fellowship in Kampala, Uganda
• Dr. David Sobrepena, founder of Word of Hope Church in Manila, Philippines
• Dr. Leonard Sweet, President of SpiritVenture ministry.

The historic gathering represents a milestone in Christian unity and global mission work. “I envision as we come to Jerusalem Council II, the church is on her knees in repentance, acknowledging her brokenness, seeking wisdom and re-storying,” Sweet said. “The church has a future precisely because it stays on its knees — not in surrender to the world, but in surrender to God. It’s in this paradoxical posture that the church discovers her true power. A church that kneels is a church that rises. We are praying for a new Pentecost.”

According to recent reports, the gathering is expected to draw unprecedented participation from church leaders worldwide, making it one of the most significant Christian leadership events of 2025.

To learn more about Jerusalem Council II, visit jerusalemcouncil2.com.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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