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Research finds deep friendships are an investment of time

How many friends do you have? Are they close friends–people you could rely on in an emergency or with your deepest secrets? With social media it seems friendships are harder to maintain. ...

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Student wins first round in free speech fight

Federal judge rejects community college bid to dismiss challenge to campus speech restrictions. A Southern California community college student won the first round in his fight against Pierce College last week when ...

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College student takes stand against abortion

While the pro-abortion side would like everyone to believe they are really pro-choice and not pro-abortion, it’s truly a deception. Making abortion “safe, legal and rare” is just smoke and mirrors. Abortion ...

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Kansas Christian College Advances to Initial Accreditation

Kansas Christian College (KCC) announced this week the school had reached a new level of accreditation with the Association for Biblical Higher Education. The announcement comes after nearly a decade of work, ...

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Why Do Kansas City’s Millennials Quit Church?

Metro Voice interviewed area millennials who spent a summer in Kansas City discovering seven ways to win back a generation of young people that have quit the church.  While at Shawnee Mission ...

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