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Missouri Squad member Cori Bush claims she’s a faith healer

bush investigation healer

Claims by controversial Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of St. Louis that she is a faith healer have resurfaced. In her account, she miraculously healed a woman with tumors and caused a sick ...

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Qatar has emerged as a safe haven for jihadists

If you watch any television, you’ve probably seen the commercials. Qatar Airlines touts itself as a modern, western airline with global reach offering passengers unparalleled comfort. But the airline is owned by ...

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MS-13 stabs 16-year-old over 100 times, burns the body

Maryland police say five MS-13 gang members stabbed one of their own 100 times and drove the body to Stafford County, Virginia, where they set it on fire. The mutilated body of 16-year-old Jacson ...

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