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Tag Archives: britain

Persecution of Christians in West on the rise, watchdog leader says

christians west

Persecution of Christians in the United States and throughout the West is on the rise, according to Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern in Washington. “Basically, we are frogs in the ...

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Although a committed atheist, Richard Dawkins nevertheless prefers Christianity to Islam


Although author Richard Dawkins is a strident atheist, he regrets the waning influence of faith in Europe. You can watch the video below. “I call myself a cultural Christian,” the evolutionary biologist ...

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St. Patrick followed God’s leading on amazing journey


Although March 17 has become something of an unofficial holiday in honor of St. Patrick, not everyone knows the fascinating history of the man himself. St. Patrick is the patron saint of ...

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“How Great Thou Art”: 75th anniversary recording with new verse will support humanitarian causes

thou art

Christian singer-songwriter Matt Redman has teamed up with 15 other artists and released a new version of “How Great Thou Art” to mark its 75th anniversary. “Someone wrote something out of the ...

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Britain debates asylum policy as Muslims claim conversion To Christianity

christianity asylum

(ANALYSIS) The United Kingdom is facing a crisis of illegal immigration parallel to that of the U.S., with very high numbers of people coming over the border, reaching a record net high ...

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Graham responds to UK Methodists avoiding terms ‘husband, wife, mother’

The Methodist Church worldwide continues to move away from traditional biblical teachings about gender. In the United Kingdom, the denomination has released an inclusive language guide that discourages ministers from using terms ...

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C.S. Lewis Christmas article from 1946 still resonates today

lewis chrismtas

Current world conditions have drawn attention to a magazine column that C.S. Lewis wrote more than three-quarters of a century ago. The article, “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans,” published in 1946 by the ...

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Novelist J.K. Rowling fires back, mocking threat of jail time for misgendering

rowling jail

British novelist J.K. Rowling, author of the “Harry Potter” book series, continues to stand firm against gender political correctness. Last week, she said she happily would go to jail if her government ...

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British minister warns of dangers of progressive Christianity


Deacon Calvin Robinson, a Free Church of England minister, says progressivism is the greatest threat facing the western church. He argues that the term “progressive Christian” is an oxymoron and said the ...

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Most unmarried parents split before child reaches 14

split child

Parents who live together outside of marriage will likely split up before their child becomes a teenager, a study reveals. According to a report published by the Marriage Foundation this week, by ...

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London’s Spurgeon’s College names Rick Warren as first chancellor

college rick warren letter

Spurgeon’s College, a London-based Baptist institution, has named author and former pastor Rick Warren as its first chancellor. Founded in 1856 as “Pastor’s College” by Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon, today Spurgeon’s ...

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Britain and Ireland mock Biden’s Irish comments

President Biden’s comments on St. Patrick’s Day continue to be mocked in Ireland and Britain. Now, a British journalist is calling Biden the world’s worst Irish Catholic. The 80-year-old created controversy last ...

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‘Living’ tackles life and death in a poignant drama


Living is aptly titled. It’s a deceptively simple, even nondescript name, to be sure—easily forgotten and, perhaps, easily overlooked. But as the movie tells us, so is living itself. We all, by the ...

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“End of free speech” – Britain bans silent prayer

britain silent

Britain on Tuesday passed legislation banning silent prayer outside abortion clinics and other locations across England and Wales. “We now have people arrested for praying, interrogated by the police, asked what they’re ...

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Arrested for silently praying: A warning from Britain to American Christians

Last month, a woman was arrested in Britain for silently praying near an abortion clinic. What led to the arrest? Was she blocking access to the clinic? Harassing women seeking an abortion? ...

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New British Prime Minister Sunak is big supporter of Israel

Rishi Sunak, the new prime minister of Great Britain, has his hands full trying to address the nation’s economic challenges. However, he is showing that he will be a strong ally of ...

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NATO will launch B-52 Bomber nuclear drills Monday

NATO said on Friday it would launch its annual nuclear exercise “Steadfast Noon” on Monday, with up to 60 aircraft taking part in training flights over Belgium, the North Sea and Britain ...

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Russia retreating from Kharkiv as Ukraine counterattacks

Russia is retreating from positions around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. As Ukraine accelerates its offensive against invading troops in the south and east, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Saturday that it was pulling ...

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Queen Elizabeth may be near death as family joins her at bedside

[Update: Queen Elizabeth II has died] Some Royal observers Wednesday implied Queen Elizabeth II is on death watch. The news, which has not officially been confirmed by Buckingham Palace, has prompted the ...

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University allows ‘PhD in child pornography’


The University of Manchester has been criticized for allowing a student to complete a PhD documenting his sexual gratification from reading erotic comics involving children. Karl Andersson wanted to research Japanese ‘shota’ ...

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Solomon Islands blocks U.S navy after signing pact with China

Who lost the Solomon Islands? That’s the question many are asking after that nation announced it is refusing the United States Navy from entering any of its ports. It’s a major blow ...

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UK’s Boris Johnson resigns

Britain will now choose a new Prime Minister after Boris Johnson resigned Thursday. The development comes as Johnson’s conservative party enjoys the largest majority in Parliament since the days of Margaret Thatcher. ...

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Daily Mail confirms whistleblower: Google is throttling the news you see

google news

Google is throttling news not just in America but also in Britain, according to a whistleblower who admitted the data giant is purposefully dictating what news you see.  Searches are skewed and ...

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CDC quietly changes monkeypox mask guidance just hours after posting it

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday told Americans to wear a mask to avoid monkeypox then immediately reversed that guidance. The controversial federal agency, which has been criticized ...

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Suffering from Apocalypse fatigue?


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experiencing some serious “apocalypse fatigue.” For the past two years the news has been dominated by one world-threatening catastrophe after another. It’s like the ...

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