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300 Nigerian Christians killed, world silent


The news regarding Nigerian Christians is getting progressively worse as it is being reported that more than 300 believers were killed in at least seven predominantly Christian villages across Nigeria from mid ...

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Media reporting on New Zealand, but did you hear about that OTHER bigotry-driven massacre?

“If it bleeds, it leads” is, say critics, the morbid media standard. But it’s more accurate to say that if the right person bleeds, it leads. A good example would be the ...

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Nigerian Muslim militants kill 120 Christians in three weeks – where is the outrage?

While the media is focused on the New Zealand shootings, the recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached 120 with this week’s slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim ...

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Spared death, kidnapped girl made ‘slave for life’


Kidnapped Christian schoolgirl Leah Sharibu will not be executed as threatened by a Nigeria terror group, Nigeria’s independent online newspaper, The Cable, reports. According to The Cable, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) says instead, ...

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Nigerian activists run schools to counter Boko Haram violence


LASSA, NIGERIA — When Rebecca Gadzama meets with the teachers she oversees, they sometimes hold the meeting outdoors, under trees in open fields. It gives them a chance to spot danger and run ...

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1000 people held captive by jihadis freed in Nigeria

More than 1,000 people held captive in northeastern Nigeria by the jihadi group Boko Haram have been rescued, Nigeria’s military said Monday. The hostages, which consisted mainly of women and children, were ...

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Nigerian muslim herdsmen open fire killing 19 church-goers

fulani herdsmen

Gunmen opened fire during a Nigerian church service Tuesday, killing at least 19, including two priests. State police told CNN the attackers were most likely Fulani herdsmen who continued their crusade by ...

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Nigeria sees Christians slaughtered by Muslims on New Years

Reports are filtering out of New Year celebrations marked by incidents which claimed dozen lives across Nigeria. According to local sources and media, the attacks were carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen ...

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Nigerian Christian Genocide Focus of Saturday Rally

While the media focuses attention on the Trump administration’s temporary pause in resettling refugees from Syria and five other countries, one country that is not on the list is virtually forgotten even ...

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Muslim herdsmen kill 300 Nigerian Christians

Muslim Fulani herdsmen, believed to be buoyed by Boko Haram insurgents posing as the nomadic cattlemen, continue to occupy farmland in Benue state, Nigeria, two weeks after killing more than 300 Christian ...

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