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Tag Archives: preachers

Pastors should avoid this during sermons

Kids do say the darndest things, and with decades of pulpit experience, the Rev. Joe McKeever has learned that these revelatory remarks about sermons often happen just after church. In one case, ...

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$75 million in grants available through Lilly Endowment’s Compelling Preaching Initiative

Lilly Endowment is launching a new initiative to help pastors strengthen their abilities to proclaim the gospel in more engaging and effective ways. The ultimate aim is to foster and support preaching ...

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Internet preachers like Marcus Rogers are drawing millions online


As those under the age of 35 increasingly avoid brick-and-mortar churches, they are logging in to listen to online preachers who unashamedly share Jesus and Biblical truths through social media. One of ...

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Pastors called out for wearing $4000 sneakers


Across the nation some pastors are wearing sneakers costing in excess of $4000.  Now, a sharp-eyed Instagram user has spotted them and launched a new account questioning the wisdom of flashing wealth. ...

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Joyce Meyer says prosperity gospel ‘out of balance’

Evangelist Joyce Meyer admit that in the past, her views on the “prosperity Gospel” were “out of balance.” Meyer, who has received much criticism for her preaching on the prosperity Gospel, shared with her Instagram followers ...

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