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Tag Archives: traditions

‘Deconstruction’ of Christian faith can have dangerous consequences, author says


“Deconstruction” of one’s faith has become a popular – and concerning – trend in the church, author Alisa Childers said. “I do think it’s a fad, although a lot of people would ...

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Maundy Thursday commemorates Last Supper, washing of disciples’ feet

maundy thursday

In a week in which Christians celebrate Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, it can be easy to overlook Maundy Thursday. “Maundy Thursday plays a major significance during the Holy Week,” according ...

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23 Christmas memories and today’s realities to remember in 2023.


Here are 23 memories of Christmas and their modern-day realities. By:  Anne Foley Rauth Santa in 1973: Looking for your letter to Santa in the hometown newspaper and knowing that Santa would ...

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St. Francis of Assisi created first Nativity scene 800 years ago


The familiar Nativity scenes that decorate many homes, churches and public spaces turn 800 years old this year. St. Francis of Assisi arranged the first manger scene in 1223 and included live ...

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Real Christmas trees still available at number of local farms

christmas trees

Despite the popularity of artificial Christmas trees, many people still prefer the real thing. The National Christmas Tree Association says that between 25 and 30 million real trees are sold each year. ...

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The story of Pesakh (Passover) and why it matters

passover messianic

Pesakh (Passover) begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan. The name “Pesakh” (PAY-sahkh, with a “kh” as in the Scottish “lokh”) comes from the Hebrew root Peh-Samekh-Khet, meaning ...

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10 ways to give this Christmas and live generously all year long

It’s always more blessed to give than to receive, especially during the Christmas season. The National Christian Foundation shared some ways to make generosity a family tradition during the holidays and beyond. ...

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6 ways to make Christmas more meaningful at home

It was breathtaking . . . simple, yet incredibly elegant. After a quick stop at the dollar store for Christmas supplies, I hurried home to recreate the festive showpiece that had caught ...

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Small Missouri town of Noel widely known as “The Christmas City”


Still haven’t sent out your Christmas cards? There’s still time and there’s a town that will help. One of the most popular places in the world each Christmas is the small Ozarks ...

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What’s the truth about the first Thanksgiving?

There’s a lot of pressure to do away with Thanksgiving. Is it a day of gratitude or a day of guilt? Like Columbus Day, Thanksgiving is being attacked. Many stories surrounding the ...

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Branson is the perfect place to blend two Christmas family traditions


Traditions are fantastic opportunities for families to grow together and bond with common experiences. Enjoying and creating them becomes even more meaningful when two people combine those traditions in a marriage. My ...

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Consumers are dying to explore new funeral options

A funeral in the 21st Century has less to do with faith and more to do with the personal preferences of the deceased and their loved ones. That is one of the ...

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Thanksgiving remembered as joy and loss


The year was 1971. Thanksgiving was different from any I remembered. Yes, my two brothers, their wives, my husband and I gathered with my mom at the big round dining room table. ...

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