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Tag Archives: trump

30 million taxpayers ignored new withholding guidelines

Congressional auditors say about 30 million people – 21 percent of U.S. taxpayers failed to change their withholding this year. That caused employers to withold too little from their paychecks under government ...

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Conservatism Works: Trump Economy Offers Most Jobs in History

When Donald Trump won the presidential election, the doomsayers came out in droves. “Experts” predicted the worst: A crashing economy. Skyrocketing unemployment. Years of joblessness. Instead, the exact opposite is now happening. ...

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Iranians love the American Dollar after Trump policy change

Iran’s currency is in free fall, Iranians are ditching it for American Dollars and the Ayatollah is powerless to stop it. The Iranian “rial” hit a record low on Sunday of 100,000 ...

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President secures return of the remains of 55 American soldiers from North Korea

PYEONGTAEK, South Korea — In early June, Democrats and the media scoffed at the idea that a Trump summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un would produce any tangible results. This ...

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Moved from Turkish prison, American pastor may be near release

turkish pastor turkey trial injustice

Behind the scenes negotiations by President Trump with his Turkish counterpart may have payed off as American Pastor Andrew Brunson has been moved out of prison and put under house arrest in ...

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Secret Service security high as President comes to town

Kansas City will host the leader of the free world today as, for the first time since taking the office, President Donald Trump comes to town. The president is scheduled to attend ...

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North Korea begins dismantling ballistic missile facilities

North Korea has started dismantling key facilities at a rocket-engine test center, a group of experts said Monday, potentially marking a significant step after last month’s historic summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald ...

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US says all eligible youngest children, families reunited

WASHINGTON (July 12, 2018) — The Trump administration says all eligible small children separated from their families as a result of its zero-tolerance immigration policy have been reunited with their parents. But ...

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Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh applauded by pro-family advocates

In a nationally televised address, Brett Kavanaugh was introduced to the nation as the nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kavanaugh was described as “a judge’s judge” by ...

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North Korea cancels annual anti-America rally

For the first time in decades, North Korea has decided not to hold its annual anti-US imperialism rally which has been a tradition since the regime entrenched its power after the Korean ...

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Franklin Graham to N Korea: Christians are not your enemy

Evangelist Franklin Graham has a rich family history in North Korea. His mother, Ruth Graham, attended high school in Pyongyang in the 1930’s. His father, Billy Graham, visited the communist country in ...

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Norwegians nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

One day after holding a historic summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Two Norwegian lawmakers – Christian Tybring-Gjedde and Per-Willy ...

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President Trump signs historic agreement with Kim Jong Un in Singapore

In an iconic photo moment, President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Tuesday morning in Singapore, just before heading into meetings at the much-heralded summit. It happened shortly ...

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Kim Jong Un arrives in Singapore to cheers — and with his own toilet

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un arrived at Changi Airport in Singapore on Monday for the summit with President Trump and was met with celebrity treatment. He also apparently arrived with his ...

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Christians Who Hate Trump

They are the Christians who hate Trump.  Let’s call it for what it is: hate.  It is their hate—strange for professed Christians—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments ...

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Tuesday’s primaries show democrat “blue wave” not happening

The results in Tuesday’s primaries in eight states are an early indication that President Trump’s “America First” agenda and accomplishments are winning the support of the American people. This is good news ...

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500 days in, what has America gained under Trump?

President Donald Trump marked his 500th day in office this week with a celebratory message on Twitter pointing to a long list of achievements accomplished since he was inaugurated in January last ...

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Conservative filmmaker, targeted by Obama administration, gets pardon

President Donald Trump has granted a pardon to popular author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. “Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!” ...

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China blinks, bends to Trump pressure over tariffs

In a huge victory for the Trump administration’s tough talk on trade with China, the communist country has announced it will cut import tariffs on a range of consumer items including apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, and fitness products ...

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Is ‘Spygate’ real or made-up?

Is “Spygate” real, or just a figment of President Trump’s imagination? As the Justice Department investigates, politicians and pundits on the left and right are weighing in. James Comey says the “Spygate” ...

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Another American hostage released

Another American hostage is celebrating new freedom today after being released from overseas imprisonment–this time from Venezuela. Joshua Holt, a missionary who had been imprisoned on false charges in Venezuela since the ...

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‘Gang of Eight’ to hear intel on ‘spy’ in Trump campaign

Congressional Democrats, after first staying they were not interested in reviewing the information about a spy placed in the Trump campaign by the FBI, will now be at a briefing today after ...

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At pro-life gala Trump says ‘every life has meaning’

Pro-life leaders have called President Trump the most pro-life president in history. But it has been a moniker he has earned through his policies, not just his talk. He was roundly applauded ...

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Opening of new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem held

JERUSALEM, Israel – President Trump is being hailed as courageous for implementing a 23-year-old law mandating the move of the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem. The long-awaited action represents a significant ...

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Christian hostages welcomed home by President Trump

After years in a North Korean prison, three hostages found their freedom as the Christian American men were greeted by President Donald Trump beneath a giant American flag after they returned home ...

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