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Health and Wellness

Taking steps to prevent falls

When you’re young, an injury from a fall may sideline you for a few days or weeks, but a full recovery is usually quick. As you get older, the consequences of falls ...

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4 surprising insights into life with Parkinson’s Disease

Over 1 million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and while some symptoms are easier to see, such as tremors, stiffness and slowness of movement, there are a range of harder-to-detect non-movement ...

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Chipotle adds Whole30 menu option

Chipotle, responding to concerns of customers that its tasty food isn’t really all that healthy in terms of fat and calories, has added a Whole30 menu option. Beginning Wednesday, the Mexican food ...

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Hospital cost transparency big win for patients

A new rule created by President Trump took effect Jan. 1 and medical facilities are not happy. U.S. hospitals and other medical facilities are now required to provide transparency and list prices ...

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Parents reject doctors’ suggestion; preemie born 3 months early defies odds and is home for Christmas

By definition, when a micro-preemie survives and thrives it is a miracle. The hurdles and obstacles and potential problems are substantial. But even by that standard, Layla Daly’s arrival home in time for Christmas ...

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Medicare changes ahead for 2019

Have you ever enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, just to discover in January that your doctor doesn’t accept your new coverage, or to realize you should have stayed in a particular ...

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Kansas state parks to offer First Day Hikes on New Year’s Day

What better way to kick off the New Year than by getting a jump start burning off those extra holiday calories in the great outdoors? Kansas state parks, including several in northeast ...

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How generosity adds years to your life

Generosity can save your life–or at least prolong it. From preventing cancer and heart disease to building self-esteem, overwhelming evidence proves generosity is good for your mental and physical health. Dr. Michael ...

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Shampoo, toothpaste causing early puberty in girls

Many parents already worry about the chemicals in the personal care products that their kids use but now a new study takes that fear to the next level: the exposure starts even ...

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Love of avocados can be deadly unless washed

Americans’ love of avocados has skyrocketed in recent years yet now, the tasty fruit popular in salads, guacamole and spread on breakfast toast with an egg over-easy can be deadly. The Food ...

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6 disciplines for living healthy like a Nutcracker dancer

christmas kansas

To be a Nutcracker dancer requires extreme dedication – and at a time when many family and friends are enjoying fatty treats and lounging around watching football. What health lessons can Nutcracker dancers ...

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Telemedicine: A promising model for senior health care

Imagine if a senior could receive prompt, high-quality health care at any time, without even leaving their home. Telemedicine, or telehealth, makes this possible. The American Telemedicine Association defines this unique approach ...

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Keeping families safe during the holidays

For most of us, the holiday season represents a time for family festivities and good cheer. What few of us consider is that the holiday season is a time when there is ...

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Organizations serving women share ‘wish list’ for Christmas

Looking to have a local impact with your giving this Christmas? Consider the great organizations that work in the pro-life area. Over the next two weeks, Metro Voice will publish the needs ...

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10 tips to make winter running less miserable

Sometimes, the seasons seem to change overnight. One day, you’re ticking off miles on a brisk, 50-degree afternoon with sunshine overhead; then the next morning, the temperature dips below freezing, and your ...

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Missouri seat belt usage at record high

More drivers and passengers across the Show-me State are buckling up. New data shows that seat belt usage in Missouri has climbed to its highest rate ever. The latest Missouri Seat Belt ...

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Keeping your health on track during the indulgent holiday season

The holiday season can be an indulgent one, full of cookies, candies, heavy meals and eggnog. While no one wants to rein in the fun during the merriest time of year, there ...

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Post-menopause weight loss decreases breast cancer

Older women who lose weight may have a lower risk of developing invasive breast cancer than those who maintain or gain weight, a large U.S. study suggests. While obesity has long been ...

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Top Ten Health Benefits of Parkour

Parkour, also known as free running, is a French military-designed training which utilizes obstacle courses. The obstacles require extreme focus and a can-do attitude, and heavily utilize physical abilities such as running, ...

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Alcohol-free bar hopes to find following

FOX4 TV reports that a new bar is coming to Kansas City but it won’t be the typical one. You won’t find an ounce of alcohol in it. Bars and alcohol go ...

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Understanding our unique love language

My husband and I are on very different pages when it comes to how we share and receive love. Whether we are recovering from a fight, experiencing grief, or just want to ...

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One energy drink increases heart attack risk in young

Just one energy drink can harm blood vessel function and increase the risk of cardiac problems–even in college-age people. That’s according to a new study that will be presented at the American ...

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3 Common Diabetes Myths Debunked

November is American Diabetes Month, and a good time to sort fact from fiction regarding this serious disease. Here are three common diabetes myths — debunked, with the help of Nutrisystem Certified ...

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Congress, Trump come together for $6 billion bill to fight opioid crisis

With all the talk about Washington gridlock it’s nice when something good happens. It may not have been covered much by the national media, which seems to focus on the bad news, ...

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First female Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has dementia

Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who made history as the first female justice, said that she has dementia in a letter sent to the nation. O’Connor, 88, said in the ...

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