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adoptive years

Christian Family Services – serving expectant, birth and adoptive parents for over 40 years

When God planted the seed for this ministry over 40 years ago, the individuals involved just knew they wanted to serve children and families and honor God in the process. These many years later we have been privileged to walk alongside hundreds of brave individuals who have made adoption plans for their children, and hundreds of adoptive parents who have opened their homes, both to children adopted domestically and those born in faraway countries. Adoption is never an easy choice, but it is often on the challenging road that God grows us the most.

We believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion as they are made in the image of God. Those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can be assured of a safe space to work through their decision in an unpressured, nonjudgmental way. Not everyone will choose to make an adoption plan and that is fine, as we know we were able to give good support and provide good information to help them in choosing life for their children. For those who choose adoption, we provide options of qualified Christian families who will love their babies and also the birth parents as they make this hard choice to ensure their babies have the best life possible.

We provide home studies for families adopting both domestically and internationally. We know the process may seem daunting, but we are here to answer your questions and guide you through the process. If you feel God is leading you this way, please reach out to our friendly staff to learn more.

As a small, non-profit agency, licensed in both Kansas and Missouri, we appreciate so much the generosity of Christians who keep our ministry funded. You can make a tax-deductible donation on our website, www.adoptionsbycfs.com, or mail a check to CFS at 10100 W. 87th St., Suite 111, Overland Park, KS 66212. Tax credits are still available to Missouri taxpayers. Call our office, 913-383-3337 to learn more.

For more information, visit their website adoptionsbycfs.com..

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