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Majority of Christian men struggle with porn, research finds

Three-fourths of Christian men and 40 percent of women view porn on some level, according to the Beyond the Porn Phenomenon report from Barna and Pure Desire Ministries. Even though practicing Christians view pornography less frequently than non-Christians, the gap between the two groups is only 14 percentage points.

“Despite the church’s stance against lust generally, it seems little progress has been made to deter many of those who fill the pews from pornography consumption specifically,” researchers said. “The gap between professed beliefs and actual behavior raises questions about the efficacy of current approaches within faith communities.”

The study noted that in the last eight years since the report was first published, the rapid shift in the cultural and digital landscape has compounded the issues in the church with pornography and unwanted sexual behavior.

“Beyond the Porn Phenomenon represents a sobering call to realize our collective struggle has not improved, in spite of some initial steps to bring health to the church,” said Nick Stumbo, executive director of Pure Desire Ministries. “The average Christian is not experiencing freedom in this area.”

What may be more troubling is that well over half of Christians who use porn say they are comfortable with their porn use.

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“The reality for those who struggle in the church is that they, too, often feel like they are alone,” he said. “When asked, ‘Who is helping you with your struggle with pornography,’ a staggering 82 percent of Christians say ‘no one.’ Isolation is the enemy’s playground.”

Some 62 percent of individuals surveyed in the study expressed comfort with their level of porn consumption. Another 16 percent said they had some reservations about it but said they found moderate levels of use acceptable but still wished they did not use pornography as frequently. The study further highlighted how comfortable people have become with pornography, as only 14 percent expressed a desire to kick the habit entirely.

Still, a majority of U.S. adults believe that regular porn use, which most use for arousal, has no impact on their overall sexual health and claim they can regularly view porn and live a sexually healthy life, reports the Christian Post.

“This view is held more strongly by men (75 percent agree) than women (59 percent),” researchers said. “Practicing Christians are less likely to agree, compared to the general population. Still, more than half of practicing Christians agree a person can regularly view pornography and live a sexually healthy life. Additionally, a majority of U.S. adults agree that watching pornography can improve a person’s sex life. This sentiment is shared by almost half of practicing Christians.”

To help churches address the pornography problem, researchers encouraged leaders to, among other things, partner with experts, prioritize education and awareness and “create safe spaces for people to get real.”

“Ultimately, the church is meant to be a source of hope for people facing all sorts of challenges in life, including struggles with pornography,” they said. “By addressing this issue head-on with care, understanding and practical support, churches can fulfill their role as places of healing and restoration. Even small steps toward openness and support can make a significant impact in the lives of those struggling.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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