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Tag Archives: stalin

1991 – 2024: Swapping Christ for a Holy Russian Empire


The world was changing in wonderful and confusing ways. The Berlin Wall, that concrete block demarcation between the free West and the Iron Curtain of communism, fell to the ground two years ...

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Stalin and the “Night of the Murdered Poets”


Power kills. Absolute power kills too many to count. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin spoke with personal authority on the subject when he famously said, “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is ...

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The collectivist horrors against Ukraine by Russia are unmatched in its history

collectivist ukraine

During Ukraine’s long history, there have been no shortages of geopolitical manipulations against the Ukrainian people. Long before the current conflict, they can be seen in the Russo-Turkish Wars and Catherine the Great’s settling ...

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How Stalin canceled Hamlet in the Soviet Union and what it teaches us


William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is considered by some to be the single greatest story ever written. Hamlet has it all: ghosts, sword fights, suicide, revenge, lust, murder, philosophy, faith, manipulation, and a ...

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Inside the $100 million Russian church honoring Putin, Stalin and war

russian church

A Russian church glorifies deified power rather than the power of God. I rarely discuss contemporary ecclesiastical art. I am, after all, a Byzantinist, and find it much more interesting to think ...

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When good men do nothing

good men do nothing

What happens when good men do nothing? Edmund Burke said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In the 1930’s, the likes of ...

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