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Tag Archives: tehran

U.S. strikes Iranian-backed forces in Syria

iranian syria

The United States early Friday carried out airstrikes in Syria taking out two sites linked to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard, according to the Pentagon. US officials told reporters the strikes were ...

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Iran arrests more than 50 new Christian converts

iran christian converts

More than 50 Christian converts have been arrested over the past week in a series of raids by Iranian state security services. This wave of arrests and arbitrary detentions within the Christian ...

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Lebanon faces grim future as Hezbollah holds the country hostage

As the masses across Lebanon deal with a collapsing economy and a paralyzed government, murmurings of dissatisfaction with Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Beirut, have begun to surface. But experts say it ...

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Upheaval in Iran as youth turn away from Islam

Iran is undergoing seismic shifts as the young turn towards the west and away from radical Islam. A first-of-its-kind survey reveals those changing attitudes toward religious beliefs and their authoritarian Islamic government. ...

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