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Tag Archives: war

Relief group The Joseph Project warns Hezbollah is growing threat


Hezbollah is a growing threat to Israel from the north as it focuses on eliminating Hamas in the south, according to The Joseph Project, a ministry of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of ...

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Israel tourism rebounds but it’s still tough for the industry

tourism israel

The tourism industry in Israel is slowly rebounding as the war with Hamas seemingly winds down. According to statistics from the Ministry of Tourism, 206,700 tourists entered the country between January and ...

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Today’s News Briefs: Fire alarm “squad” member set to lose; Ukraine blackouts; Sandy Hook graduates; Gaza money

squad primary

Today’s news briefs include the graduation of classmates of Sandy Hook victims, Urkaine blackouts, more aid to Gaza and squad member set for walloping in June New York Democrat primary. Sandy Hook ...

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Associated Press blasts its use of Hamas casualty figures

israel raffah associated press

The Associated Press released a report on Friday undercutting its own reporting of Hamas’s claim that more than two-thirds of the Palestinian casualties in Gaza have been women and children. The  Hamas numbers, which ...

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Today’s News Briefs: Is this woman the missing 8-year-old?; Putin threatens; Japan and drinking; Raffah push may end soon

woman gen z

Here are today’s news briefs including a woman who claims she a girl who disappeared 50 years ago from a bus stop; Gen Z drinking less; Putin threatens West, and Israel makes ...

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1991 – 2024: Swapping Christ for a Holy Russian Empire


The world was changing in wonderful and confusing ways. The Berlin Wall, that concrete block demarcation between the free West and the Iron Curtain of communism, fell to the ground two years ...

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How much do you know about Memorial Day?

about memorial day

How much do you know about Memorial Day? As we ponder the selfless sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces, we hope that you will join us in reflecting ...

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Iranian president, foreign minister dead in helicopter crash

Iranian president

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in the country’s northwestern East Azerbaijan province on Sunday, Iranian state media confirmed on Monday morning. Raisi was a fanatical hardliner responsible for ...

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Today’s Israel News Briefs

israel briefs

Here are today’s latest news briefs on Israel and its war against Hamas. Biden Administration blocks arms shipment to Israel The Biden administration on Tuesday night confirmed reports that it had held ...

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Americans oppose protests and support Israel military action in Rafah

israel raffah associated press

Anti-Israel protests are much more popular on elite college campuses than with the American public in general. Two recent polls find that the American people are on opposite sides of the Biden ...

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Hamas terrorists in Rafah bombard Israel with mortars

hamas rafah

As Israel is pressured into a cease-fire, Hamas terrorists in Rafah continue to attack nearby Israeli communities. At least 10 people were wounded in southern Israel, four seriously, on Sunday when Hamas ...

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NYPD breaks up pro-Hamas protest at Columbia


After weeks of pro-Hamas demonstrations at Columbia University featuring calls for genocide against Jews and the taking of two university employees as hostages, NYPD officers cleared a university building and broke up ...

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Holocaust memorial event and “Living in a World at War” seminar this weekend

station holocaust war

Do you feel you’re in the midst of a battle? Images of protests, war, and hostages may seem far away but they can affect us in very personal ways. Two events will ...

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Pastor Greg Laurie believes Iran’s attack a biblical sign

laurie covid-19 christians greg israel iran's

Although Pastor Greg Laurie believes Iran’s attack on Israel last weekend is a significant biblical sign, he cautions against concluding that the event could lead to the scenario described in Ezekiel 38, which ...

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Israel is actually waging a just and humane war: Here’s why

just war

Some people are saying that Israel’s war against Hamas is not a “just war” as they would describe World War II. I believe Israel is in a “just war” and I’ll explain ...

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Latino Coalition for Israel meets with Israeli leaders

latino israel

The Latino Coalition for Israel recently met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking officials to show their support for Israel. “I believe the church and the Jewish people are ...

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Despite turmoil, Greg Laurie encourages Christians to look up, pray for revival

laurie covid-19 christians greg israel iran's

When it comes to the state of the world today, Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California doesn’t mince words. “Everything’s moving the wrong direction, and social media is ...

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Christian Armenians want to return to Azerbaijan homeland

Christian Armenians

A Christian human rights organization is emphasizing the “absolute right” of Christian Armenians to return to their homeland in Azerbaijan. Six months ago 120,000 Armenians were attacked and driven out by armed ...

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“How Great Thou Art”: 75th anniversary recording with new verse will support humanitarian causes

thou art

Christian singer-songwriter Matt Redman has teamed up with 15 other artists and released a new version of “How Great Thou Art” to mark its 75th anniversary. “Someone wrote something out of the ...

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War in Ukraine enters third year: 3 issues will decide outcome

ukraine outcome

In retrospect, there was perhaps nothing surprising about Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. The outcome is up for grabs. Vladimir Putin’s intentions were, after all, hiding in plain sight and signaled in ...

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Topeka’s only synagogue vandalized

synagogue vandalized

The only synagogue in Topeka has been vandalized with antisemitic graffiti. The Topeka Police Department and the FBI are investigating the vandalism at Temple Beth Sholom where congregants discovered “Save Gaza” and ...

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Despite battling cancer, Ukrainian couple ministers to victims of Hamas war

ukrainian cancer

A Ukrainian couple facing their own life-and-death battle with advanced cancer are helping others suffering from anxiety and despair on the frontline of the Israel-Hamas war. Ukrainian-born Yura, 51, and his wife ...

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Israel: Almost 1 in 4 of remaining hostages is dead

hostages dead

Thirty-two of the 136 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are dead, according to reporting by the New York Times. The grim news comes after relatives of the families were notified by ...

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Israel needs our help, not political games over security funding

Israel security

The U.S. House on Tuesday failed to pass a stand-alone bill for additional security aid for Israel. President Joe Biden threatened veto it, preferring instead to have it lumped with legislation that ...

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Former Palestinian sniper says revival starting among Gazans

More than 200 Gazans recently accepted Christ, according to Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former Palestinian sniper who is now a Christian and lives in the Kansas City area. “Many Muslims are ...

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