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Tag Archives: wellness

Mental health issues require biblical solutions

biblical solutions

America’s mental health is in alarming condition, and only biblical solutions can change it, a leading Christian counselor says. “We don’t have a mental health crisis; we have a mental health disaster ...

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7 healthy back to school tips for kids

Summer is in full swing but for many parents, thoughts of the school year have begun. Those thoughts include if they should attend a private Christian school, public or maybe homeschooling. We’ve ...

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How ‘superagers’ stay sharp in their later years

A new study on “superagers” shows how to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. When it comes to retirement, experts recommend that everyone do some hard thinking. By this, they mean ...

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7 simple steps to improve your health

Our society faces a health epidemic because over half of Americans live with a chronic illness and a third suffer from obesity. Does your health or weight impede you from having a ...

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10 proven ways to keep the mind sharp as you age

Just as exercise improves your physical health, brain workouts strengthen your mind, boosting your memory and thinking skills. Even better, it’s never too late to begin exercising your most important muscle. Read ...

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How to overcome three common obstacles to positive change

Amid the crisis of COVID, perhaps there is an opportunity to break through obstacles and pick up dreams left by the wayside. So much of life is spent on autopilot. Years pass ...

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WISDM Trial: Help for those with diabetes

People with type one diabetes are at risk for hypoglycemia, a dangerous drop in blood sugar that can cause confusion, seizures or loss of consciousness. Monitoring blood sugar levels has traditionally required ...

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Stressed? Here’s a quick and easy way to relax

If you, like millions of Americans, feel stressed out and in need of a long vacation you can’t afford to take, don’t sweat it. There is a lot you can do to ...

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What is home sharing for seniors?

Due to COVID, we’ve all felt the strain of isolation at some time or another, but people living alone, especially seniors, have felt the effects especially hard. In fact, prolonged isolation can ...

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Top diet tips to beat the Quarantine Bulge

I gained four pounds the first month of quarantine, the beginning of the quarantine bulge. I blame the evil mix of gym closings, excessive yoga pant wear, and the fact that peanut ...

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Boost Your Immune System from Coronavirus or Any Other Germ

immune system

Overcoming any virus, flu, bacterial infection or coronavirus begins by understanding your immune system is different from your neighbor, sibling and or spouse.  This is important because your immune system is what ...

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New alternative health care business opens in Topeka

health care

A local Topeka woman has opened a new health care business in southwest Topeka. Danyle Harvey-Strauss, a veteran, is the owner and visionary for Empower Life, a one-stop-shop network for health and ...

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4 ways pets help impact health and wellness

Daily life across the country has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in times of isolation, relationships – even pets – are as important to health and wellness as ever before. ...

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Commit to getting the care you need as you age

Older adults in America are living longer lives and will outnumber people under the age of 18 by nearly 500,000 by 2034, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, living longer does ...

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Liver transplant for kids: new treatments save lives

Each year, thousands of children, from babies to teenagers, need a liver transplant. Just as in adults, many of these organs come from a deceased donor. But the wait for a new ...

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Seniors can benefit from strength training, too

“You’re too old for that!” How often have you heard those words? If you’re like most seniors, you’ve probably heard them far too often. This is especially true when it comes to ...

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4 tips for beating back holiday stress

Holiday stress can be especially hurtful for people who are already struggling with isolation and loneliness due to the pandemic. Many families haven’t gathered at all for the past ten months. Many ...

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Why swimming might be the best form of exercise you can do


Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise you can do. Here are five reasons why you should be getting in the water if you want to get in shape and ...

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Funeral planning tips for seniors and their caregivers

Planning a funeral for a family member can be emotional, complicated and costly. Creating a funeral plan well in advance can minimize stress and confusion for surviving family members, ensure a late ...

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Preventing frailty and living longer

Frailty is a term that many people hear, but very few understand. It’s the slow loss of the body’s strength and energy over time leading to weakness, tiredness and loss of balance. ...

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Practical tips for caregivers facing a pandemic

Whether your role has you looking out for an elderly relative, children or both, chances are good that you’ve worried about how the COVID-19 pandemic may continue to affect the ability of ...

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The stress that gets overlooked

Stress and stress management are growing concerns in today’s work force. They decrease work productivity, affect our health, distract us from work, increase absenteeism, and most of all, they affect the company’s ...

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How to reduce your risk for another heart attack

After a heart attack, as many as 1 in 4 survivors will have another one. Lifestyle changes and working closely with your doctor to manage your health can help minimize the risk ...

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How to protect seniors against coronavirus

How do you protect seniors, who are known to be more at risk of serious illness due to coronavirus, especially those with pre-existing conditions and those who are immune compromised? The majority ...

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4 ways to help nurses during the coronavirus pandemic

America’s nurses are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, providing safe, quality, compassionate and nondiscriminatory care to those they serve, many of whom are doing so at significant risk ...

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