Home / Entertainment / The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies at Cinemas Soon
Netanyahu speaks with Tim Mahoney in the new documentary "Israel Dilema. Image: Patterns of Evidence.

The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies at Cinemas Soon

Since October 7, 2023, the world has again focused on the disputes over the Holy Land. Using his Patterns of Evidence approach, Tim Mahoney investigates the prophecies and questions about who owns the land in his upcoming ‘Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies.’ The movie starts with interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Perez who point to the Bible as their deed to the land.

Tim examines five predictive prophecies regarding the land and how God has fulfilled them. These prophecies, repeated throughout the Old Testament, began with the covenant God made with Abraham to make his descendants into a great nation. The film reveals evidence that God built their kingdom, set up David as their king, and followed through on his promises to scatter the people when they disobeyed the covenant, allowed them to be persecuted, and restored them.

Archeologists point to discoveries including inscriptions, clay seal impressions, finds within ruins of cities conquered, and more they believe reveals the truth. Anti-biblical people share their perspectives on the prophecies.

Mahoney promotes evidence-based decision making through presenting interviews with experts and showing artifacts and other archeology finds that confirm people, places, and events in the Bible, as well as extra-biblical historical records. He encourages people to watch, read the prophecies, and share what they learn. He states:

Most people don’t have a historical understanding of the nation of Israel or what ancient prophecies the Bible has given showing God’s covenantal involvement with the Jewish people past, present, or future. This film, The Israel Dilemma, asks whether there is any credibility to what was written in the Bible about Israel. The audience will see evidence demonstrating God’s activity throughout history affirms the scriptures. I also want people to be aware that God might be forewarning us of significant changes in the world that were foretold by prophets several thousand years ago. The question is, how should we respond?

We’re called to renew our minds and that involves studying, thinking, and reflecting and being open to challenges that oppose our ideas. That’s the heart or how to transform our thinking to understand God and His ways more deeply (Romans 12:2). The Bereans, without the New Testament, dug into the recorded scriptures and accounts of the resurrection, determined to seek the truth. Their open-minded searching led to many people becoming believers.

Seeking truth through Patterns of Evidence films provides people with facts. Tim says,  that since his first film, “I have heard of hundreds and even thousands of testimonies of people who have been encouraged in their faith and some to come to faith because of the evidence brought for in these Patterns of Evidence films. So I believe it has been my calling to make these types of films that demonstrate that the Bible is a true historical document revealing God’s activity in history.”

For the Jewish nation, it’s been a continual struggle over the land since the end of World War II when the UN returned the land to the Jews. The Jews believe the Torah is their deed to their homeland. This film showing Nov. 13, 14 & 17th provides many details making it great to watch with a group and then discuss the contents together. Tickets available now HERE.

A second part, The Israel Dilemma Part 2,  will be available next year. More information can be found at their Patterns of Evidence, including trailers.

 –Karen Whiting | Special to Metro Voice

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