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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Bill Barr: Prosecutions of Jan. 6 defendants, Trump “go too far”

barr jan. 6

Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who has been critical of President Donald Trump and the events of Jan. 6, says the Biden administration’s Justice Department is going overboard on prosecuting people who ...

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Young victim of Gaza fighting finds care in Egypt

Egypt is providing medical assistance to some victims of the ongoing fighting in Gaza. A Christian television program, “You Are Not Alone,” recently interviewed a Gazan refugee family that recently fled to ...

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California repeals law that punished Doctors for disagreeing with state policy on Covid

doctors law

A California law that stripped physicians of their medical licenses if they disagreed with the stated Covid policy has been revoked. Medical organizations are calling it a victory for doctors’ First Amendment ...

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Everybody Must Get Stoned?


Was Bob Dylan correct when he penned the famous lyrics “everybody must get stoned?” Deuteronomy 21:18-21 might lead us to believe that stoning our children is a good idea. Deuteronomy 21.18-21: “Suppose ...

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Angel Studios to release end of world movie, ‘Homestead’


Angel Studios has finished production on a new end-of-civilization movie, “Homestead“. The film is inspired by the popular book series Black Autumn, written by Jeff Kirkham and Jason Ross. It revolves around ...

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Governor bans China, others from owning Missouri land near military sites

military land

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson this week issued an executive order prohibiting foreign countries considered American adversaries from purchasing land near military facilities in the state. The order will block entities from China, ...

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Government steps up legal action against Grand Canyon University, other Christian colleges

grand canyon

The Biden Administration, through the FTC, is ramping up legal action against the nation’s largest Christian universities. The move has been described by some as an unfair attack costing the schools millions ...

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New Year’s resolutions, goals, plans? God can make a way


Do you have New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you call them goals or plans. However you describe them, they’re a good thing to have. The scriptures talk about making plans. Proverbs says our ...

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Lisa Robertson, daughter-in-law of CBN founder Pat Robertson, dies at age 69

lisa robertson

Lisa Robertson, the daughter-in-law of CBN founder Pat Robertson, died last weekend at age 69, CBN News reported She met her husband, Tim Robertson, in college in Virginia when she invited Pat ...

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An Inspiring Journey: Resilience and Solidarity in the Heart of Israel

I had the incredible opportunity to visit Israel last week. Despite the ongoing challenges due to the conflict that started on October 7, this journey was a profound, even inspiring, experience. I ...

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Underdog “Sound of Freedom” beats Taylor Swift for top 10 movies

sound swift

Move over, Taylor Swift. The faith-based movie “Sound of Freedom” beat out Swift’s “The Era’s Tour” to finish in the top 10 for domestic box office revenues in 2023. The independent film ...

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Child care to gambling: Missouri Legislature has full agenda in 2024

missouri agenda private presidential primary

The 2024 Missouri legislative session began on Wednesday with a full agenda of issues that can have an impact on everyday life. What can Missourians expect? “There will be shenanigan days; hopefully ...

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Former terrorist and local resident Tass Saada expects great harvest of souls in Gaza

Former terrorist Tass Saada, who now lives in the Kansas City area, believes the Israel-Hamas war is preparing many Muslims in Gaza to become Christians. He told Israeli-American journalist Joel C. Rosenberg ...

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$4.5 million? Ministry Watch lists 100 highly-paid leaders


Who are the 100 highly-paid ministry executives in the United States? Ministry Watch compiled a list with publicly available information derived from the latest Form 990 prepared by each ministry. “We are ...

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Social media made billions in advertising targeting kids

social advertising

Social media conglomerates earned nearly $11 billion from advertising targeting children. Of that, almost $2 billion in ad revenue came from users under the age of 12. YouTube earned the most ad ...

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Missouri homeschoolers may get more access to public schools

missouri public

Missouri state Sen. Ben Brown of Washington has pre-filed a bill that would allow homeschooled students to participate in public school activities. It has been coupled with provisions rolling back state oversight ...

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Nearly 6 in 10 Americans who made resolutions want deeper faith

resolutions americans

Nearly six in 10 Americans who made New Year’s resolutions want to increase their engagement in religious activities. The big question is if the church is ready. According to the CBS New/YouGov ...

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IRS begins sending collection letters

irs letters

The IRS this week is sending millions of Americans letters about delinquent taxes. In a recent statement, the federal tax agency said the automated letters and “collection notices” to people with tax ...

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Exciting archaeological discoveries in 2023

discoveries 2023

Archaeological finds in the Holy Land continue to attest to the historical accuracy of scripture. When our organization leads tours of Christians to Israel, they return home feeling they have journeyed through ...

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Healthier living in 2024 begins with simple lifestyle changes

winter approaches healthy simple

Few things are more symbolic of the coming of a new year than making health resolutions that more often than not get abandoned in coming months. The trick? Make it simple. “As ...

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FCA celebrates banner year for leading athletes to Christ

athletes camps new members camp christian attendees

More than 51,000 student athletes, coaches and volunteers made decisions for Christ through the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in fiscal year 2023. “The best gift we can give and ...

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Fox News pundits list people who should go away in 2024

fox people

Although Jesus told his followers to love all people, they don’t necessarily have to like them. Fox News political pundits compiled a list of politicians and entertainers who were among the most ...

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Giving to ministries remains strong despite slight decline in 2022

ministries giving

Donations to Christian ministries declined last year for the first time in a decade, according to the annual State of Giving Report from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Cash giving declined ...

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From ringing bells to eating grapes, nations enjoy wide range of New Year’s traditions

new year's

Watching the ball drop at Times Square in New York City, whether live or on television, is a New Year’s Eve tradition for million of Americans. “Time” magazine looked at several unusual ...

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YouVersion announces most searched Bible verse in 2023

youversion app searched

The popular Bible app YouVersion has announced the most searched verse by users. It’s not John 3:16 which is the most searched verse on the internet. So what is it? Isaiah 41:10, ...

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