Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Puritans get scrubbed from Harvard song

Harvard University is re-writing American history and distancing itself from its religious roots. “Puritans” have been been scrubbed in favor of the cosmos at the Ivy League school. The university purged the word ...

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Could the Bible get caught up in Microsoft’s new conduct policy?

The news has been filled with the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter and others misusing their customer’s private data, censoring speech and outright banning users with whom the company ‘gatekeepers’ disagree. As ...

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Trump is trouncing who in the polls? Just about every major world leader

The national media continues to be fascinated with the approval rating of President Trump. The most recent Pew poll finds the president’s approval at 47%. Others show it from 42–45%. The media ...

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Church exploded after members lit furnace

MARQUAND, Mo. – Just days before Easter, a father and son have been badly burned when a church exploded into flames near Marquand, Missouri about 100 miles south of St. Louis. Smoke ...

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April showers bring new music releases

Can I say Happy spring everyone or would I be speaking too soon? Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons. As we all know, living in the Midwest we could possibly ...

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Why we desperately need Easter

On this Easter weekend, if you take a few minutes and read over any local or national news, you will find disturbing stories.  Like officials in a well-known college basketball program using ...

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Now streaming: ‘Hans Zimmer: Live In Prague,’ ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ ‘The Conspirator’

Music is one of God’s great gifts, but it’s enjoyed best when it’s live. This month on Netflix, subscribers can enjoy a concert from one of the world’s top composers – Hans ...

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Legendary rocker Alice Cooper credits Jesus for cure

Thirty-seven years ago, Alice Cooper awoke throwing up blood. “Everything that could go wrong was shutting down inside of me,” the legendary rocker recalled. “I was drinking with Jim Morrison and Jimi ...

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Priscilla Shirer simulcast at area churches April 28


Just off her performance in this Spring’s Christian blockbuster movie “I Can Only Imagine”, Priscilla Shirer is still planting seeds as the weather warms up. Shirer, a New York Times best-selling author ...

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Is this Jesus? First 3D image of Shroud of Turin released


An Italian professor has created a 3D image of of the man on the Shroud of Turin, claiming that it is the “precise image of what Jesus looked like on this earth.” ...

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McCaskill heads to Beverly Hills for cash

On the heels of election polls that show her trailing badly, Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s re-election campaign is heading to the nation’s liberal bastion, Beverly Hills, to pick up some cash. Former ...

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Walmart pulls Cosmopolitan Magazine from check-out lanes

Many consider Cosmopolitan Magazine as “porn-lite.” Now the magazine has been pulled from check-out lanes at the nation’s largest retailer–Walmart. The move has been celebrated as a victory by a pro-family groups ...

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Can Roseanne save America?

Ever since Donald Trump rode down his escalator and announced he was running for president, a good swath of America, not to mention the overwhelming majority of its media, has been having ...

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Kansas faith-based adoption agencies under attack by ACLU


When Cara DeCoursey faced an unplanned pregnancy 28 years ago, the Catholic teen knew she was going to give her child up for adoption. “I found strength in a faith-based adoption agency. ...

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Missouri legislature wants to phase out DUI checkpoints

Drunk driving organizations are pushing back at the Missouri legislature‘s efforts to phase out the use of checkpoints by public safety officers. Several parties disagree with the outcomes that eliminating the long-used ...

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Latest victim of 9/11 attacks is local FBI agent

Seventeen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, America is still losing first responders to the after effects of the toxic environment it created. A funeral will be held today ...

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Holocaust survivor stabbed and burned in anti-Semitic attack

French authorities say the killing of an elderly Jewish woman in Paris is being investigated as an anti-Semitic murder.  The woman, identified in French media as Mireille Knoll, was stabbed at least 11 ...

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Abandoned at birth because of skin deformities, woman gets makeover

Irina Pavlutskaya was abandoned as a baby after she was born with rare physical deformities, the Daily Mail reports. Children with even minor medical conditions or even easily treatable deformities are usually ...

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Trump’s new transgender military policy ‘likely’ to stand

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has issued a new directive that permits transgender military service only “under certain limited circumstances.” The policy tweak could render moot legal challenges to President Trump’s previous ...

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Woman at center of landmark segregation case dies

The woman, who at age 10 stood at the center of the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education that ended school segregation laws, died Monday. Linda Brown Thompson was ...

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Why Summer camps are still important

April showers bring May flowers but also thoughts of summer camp for the kids. The Midwest offers countless options–both close to home and a half-days drive away–that each provide life-altering experiences for ...

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Online censorship affecting Metro Voice on Facebook?

[Editor’s Note: Have you noticed fewer Metro Voice news stories in your Facebook news feed? It’s almost like we’re being censored. The staff of Metro Voice realizes we are not the Wall ...

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Navy draws the line: atheist cannot be a chaplain

The United States Navy has rejected application of atheist to serve as a chaplain. Forty-five House members and 22 Senators sent a letter to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer and Admiral John Richardson ...

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No justice for Pakistani Christians burned alive in kiln


They were burned alive with hundreds of witnesses. Four years later, after two court cases, there is no justice for a young Pakistani couple. A Pakistani court has now acquitted 20 people ...

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Father Jesus denied church building permit


Apparently, even Jesus needs a good construction engineer. At least Father Jesus, the Gulfport, Mississippi man who was denied a building permit for a church. Last week the Gulfport planning commission told ...

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