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Church & Ministry

Researcher finds reasons for hope for rural and small-town churches

The death of rural and small-town churches is greatly exaggerated, said Thom Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers, an online community and resource for church leaders. He offers several reasons for ...

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Pastors uncertain if U.S. economy is helping their congregations

The Christmas shopping season is in full swing, but pastors are divided on whether the economy is helping their congregations this year, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. Forty-one percent ...

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The mysterious staircase St. Joseph built in New Mexico

The staircase of Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico is well known for being surrounded by at least two mysteries: the identity of its builder and the physics of its structure. No ...

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Drop in charitable contributions tied to decline in religious affiliation

Charitable contributions are down in the United States, and faith may have something to do with it, according to Marketwatch. The share of U.S. adults who donated to charity dropped significantly between ...

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Avoiding the malls? Try celebrating Bless Friday instead

bless friday

Although some people will be up before the crack of dawn in search of Black Friday bargains, others would rather not set foot anywhere near the mail. They may want to consider ...

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Episcopal Diocese of Missouri elects gay married man as bishop

episcopal gay

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri last weekend elected a gay married man as its next leader. The vote was held during the annual convocation at Christ Church in St. Louis. Appearing by ...

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Pope Francis considering adding ecological sin to Catholic catechism

Environmentalism has taken on theological overtones for many people. The head of the Catholic Church is considering elevating it to a sin, the Daily Wire reported. Speaking at the 20th World Congress ...

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Christmas store helps elderly to share in the giving spirit

christmas store

Residents of Pleasant Hill, Mo. and nearby towns are again organizing a free Christmas store for those living at local senior living facilities. A Christmas store will be held at Pleasant Hill ...

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Salvation Army goes high tech to kick off annual Red Kettle campaign

salvation army critical race

Salvation Army bell ringers are as much a part of the season as caroling and last-minute shopping. The local organization kicked off this year’s Red Kettle campaign on Friday evening with a ...

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Find an Operation Christmas Child shoebox drop-off location near you


This month, local families can make a global impact as 5,000 sites across the nation will serve as drop-off locations collecting shoebox gifts for children overseas during Operation Christmas Child’s National Collection ...

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Pastor Francis Chan will move to Asia, challenges other Christians


Francis Chan, the popular author and pastor, is stepping out of his comfort zone. He recently announced plans to relocated to Asia as a missionary in February. He challenged other Christians to ...

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Kanye West to be at Joel Osteen’s church Sunday morning

Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church will host special guest Kanye West Sunday morning with the megachurch offering members and the public two opportunities to attend and hear the high profile rapper’s message. At the 11 a.m. ...

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Child Evangelism Fellowship offers training sessions for Christmas Party Clubs


There is no better time to be a child than at Christmas. And there is no better gift than helping a child learn about the true meaning of the holiday. Child Evangelism ...

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Son of ‘Bible Answer Man’ Hanegraaff says truth matters, but life matters more


Hank Hanegraaff, “The Bible Answer Man” on Christian radio, several years ago made the decision to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. Many evangelicals were puzzled by his decision, and several stations and networks ...

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Chiefs work to help area people who are food insecure

chiefs food insecure

The Kansas City Chiefs are once again stepping in to help area residents who are food insecure. Latest statistics find that even with the best economy in 70 years, a high number ...

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Missionary couple sets goal: Share the Gospel 2,020 times by 2020

It’s a hefty goal: share the Gospel 2,020 times by the fall of 2020. It’s an even loftier goal when following these conditions: The entire Gospel story should be presented, not just ...

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Founder’s son-in-law speaks out on why he left Church of Scientology


The Church of Scientology recently increased its profile in the midwest by relocating to a historic building at Kansas City’s 18th Street and Grand Blvd. Now a former leader is speaking out ...

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Engaging the Word Together will spotlight groups sharing the Bible


A key part of fulfilling the Great Commission is translating the word of God into languages in which it has never been heard. Several of the groups and individuals who are doing ...

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Missouri Baptists address restoration and reconciliation at annual meeting


Restoration and reconciliation were the themes of the recent annual meeting of Missouri Baptists in Branson. “We have come to celebrate restoration,” said John Yeats, executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention ...

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‘We may never know full impact,’ says FCA president as ministry celebrates 65 years

FCA 65 year

Having served millions of student athletes over the years, FCA is this week celebrating 65 years of ministry. It all began when a young basketball coach wondered why athletes endorsed products like ...

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Church bridges racial gap in Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kan.

The Quindaro neighborhood in Kansas City, Kan., is a historically African American community. On Sunday mornings, however, race becomes irrelevant as Our Lady and St. Rose Catholic Church serves a diverse congregation ...

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Missouri attorney general wrapping up criminal referrals for abuse by priests

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Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is completing a dozen referrals of former priests for criminal prosecution, he announced last week. “We issued the report about a month ago with our findings and ...

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Northeast Kansas City church loses playground in fire after series of break-ins


Grace Church of the Nazarene in northeast Kansas City lost its playground in a fire this week, but Senior Pastor Tammy Carter is grateful there wasn’t more damage. “You know, another five ...

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Drinking water out of thin air: technology changing poor villages around the world

Poor and neglected towns around the world now have access to clean drinking water. And, it’s appearing out of thin air. After a decade of development, a company called “Watergen” has created ...

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Another Missouri church follows trend of MO & KS churches raising funds to pay off medical debt

Earlier this fall, Metro Voice News reported on The Crossing church in Columbia, which raised money to pay off millions of dollars of medical debt. A congregation in Southeast Missouri recently became ...

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