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Palestinians using kites to set Israel ablaze

JERUSALEM, Israel – Palestinian jihadists in the Gaza Strip set more than 40 fires over the weekend using incendiary kites carrying explosives and burning fuel. This latest “technique,” which began with the ...

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Plot to assassinate Israel Prime Minister, attack U.S. Embassy stopped

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Israel Security Agency has arrested a 3-member terror cell led by a Syrian-based terrorist planning to assassinate Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir ...

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International Israeli media summit is eye-opener for Metro Voice


Israeli entrepreneurship seems to be having a remarkable impact on the world. But how do secular and faith-based media perceive the nation and its many accomplishments? This was one of the main ...

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Celebrate Israel at 70


Israel is celebrating its 70th birthday and you’re invited to celebrate at a big block party in New York City’s Times Square Sunday night. The event sponsored by the Consulate General of ...

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Book on archaeological discovery brings Bible to life


JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is home to some of the world’s greatest archaeological treasures and scientists often link their direct finds to the Bible. Now you can make those same connections in ...

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Israeli Kindergarten targeted with mortars by Hamas-controlled Gaza

An Israeli Kindergarten has come under attack from mortar shells fired by Hamas from the Palestinian-controlled Gaza strip. The latest incident of attacks on Israel was not widely reported in the media ...

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Israeli volunteers are changing the world


CBN Documentaries has released a five-part short film series telling stories of Israeli volunteers and their generosity that are often missing from media coverage. The series, “To Life: How Israeli Volunteers Are ...

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Palestinian leader says Jews caused Holocaust

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a speech Monday evening in Ramallah at the opening of the Palestinian National Council meeting, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rewrote the history of the Holocaust. The Holocaust, ...

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Iran busted: Preparing to develop nuclear weapons all along

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a powerful nationally televised address that has now reverberated around the world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to his nation revealing evidence that Iran has been lying ...

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Trump may attend opening of U.S. Jerusalem embassy

The grand opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem may have a special guest: President Donald Trump–the man who made it possible in December. Trump was asked during a joint press conference ...

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Missouri moves to protect Israel from bigoted boycotts

The Missouri House has given initial approval to a bill that bars public entities from entering into a contract with a company that is boycotting Israel. Missouri House floor The “Anti-Discrimination Against ...

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Most American millennials don’t know Auschwitz was a death camp

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Most American millennials don’t know what Auschwitz was, a survey finds. That’s Auschwitz – as in concentration camp. It’s where nearly a million Jews (out of the six million killed) — as ...

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Future for Israel is bright, says new UN ambassador

The future for Israel looks bright–even obtaining peace with the Palestinians according to Israel’s UN Ambassador UN Danny Danon. This as hostilities at the United Nations loom large and threats from Iran increase. ...

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Jerusalem wants to tax church-owned businesses

In the United States, houses of worship do not pay tax on their facility. But when that institution crosses the line and purchases property like an office building, water park, coffee shop ...

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More nations plan embassy moves to Jerusalem

Czech President Milos Zeman has recommitted his intent to see his country’s embassy in Israel relocate from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying that he plans to push the move through. Zeman was ...

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America’s Jerusalem Embassy will open May 18

Making good on a promise that three former presidents made but refused to honor, President Trump has ensured the new US embassy in Jerusalem will now open in 10 weeks. The opening ...

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Artifacts tell story of Jews fleeing to Shanghai


As the world prepares to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27, a recently unveiled exhibit at a Holocaust museum in Brooklyn tells the largely untold story of Eastern European religious ...

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In video, Trump takes hard stance against funding Palestinians

President Trump, speaking in Davos, Switzerland this week at a world economic forum, met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and outlined changes for future Palestinian funding.

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Embassy move to Jerusalem set for 2019

Following through on a campaign promise that has eluded several presidents, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the U.S. embassy in Israel will move from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capitol of Jerusalem ...

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Dead Sea Scroll translation sheds light on festivals Jesus celebrated

Researchers at the world-renowned University of Haifa, Israel have completed the translation of one of the last two parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Eshbal Ratson and Prof. Jonathan Ben-Dov of ...

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Busy year for improved U.S., Israel relations

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is proving to be a powerhouse on the diplomatic front. She has emerged as the most vociferous supporter of Israel in the last 50 years. 2017 saw many ...

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There’s a human side to issue of terror

Former Mayor of Israeli town address diplomats on how terrorism affected them. “It’s a strange analogy perhaps, but just as we in the biblical heartland of Israel are healing children and rebuilding ...

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News Briefs From Israel

 Israeli economy flexes its muscle as shekel is deemed world’s 2nd-strongest currency:  Deutsche Bank last week ranked the Israeli shekel as the world’s second-strongest currency, bolstering the broader outlook on the Jewish ...

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The Balfour Declaration – A thorn in the flesh of political correctness!

Little did Lord Arthur Balfour (1848-1930) know when he penned his declaration, that much of the world would be in an uproar about it, 1oo years later. His short letter to Lord ...

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Innovation and Leadership in Israel, the Start-up Nation

A 2016 exhibition at Israel’s main airport, Ben Gurion, highlighted the country’s achievements in medicine, science and technology. From irrigating a desert for agriculture to GPS that Moses would have loved, Israel ...

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