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Politics & Policy

China blinks, bends to Trump pressure over tariffs

In a huge victory for the Trump administration’s tough talk on trade with China, the communist country has announced it will cut import tariffs on a range of consumer items including apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, and fitness products ...

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Is ‘Spygate’ real or made-up?

Is “Spygate” real, or just a figment of President Trump’s imagination? As the Justice Department investigates, politicians and pundits on the left and right are weighing in. James Comey says the “Spygate” ...

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Does the Kansas Constitution guarantee the right to life or the right to abortion?

A state court has ruled that the Kansas ban of dismemberment abortion of a living unborn child violates our State constitution. In response, the legislature will consider putting a proposed constitutional amendment ...

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‘Gang of Eight’ to hear intel on ‘spy’ in Trump campaign

Congressional Democrats, after first staying they were not interested in reviewing the information about a spy placed in the Trump campaign by the FBI, will now be at a briefing today after ...

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Mueller investigation rebuked by U.S. District Judge

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” stated U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the Eastern District of Virginia to a ...

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South Korean leader: Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the 68 year state of war. Moon made the ...

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Former FBI agent who investigated Greitens pleads 5th under oath

In yet another strange turn of events in the prosecution of Governor Eric Greitens, the former FBI agent who was hired by the St. Louis Prosecutor’s office invoked the Fifth Amendment as ...

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GOP wins in Arizona but how will Republican exodus affect the issues?

After a string of Democrat victories in early special elections across the country received wide coverage, last night’s GOP victory in Arizona is being downplayed by liberal news pundits today. Former Arizona ...

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Despite ruling of liberal judge, Kobach leads in Kansas

The liberal judge who ruled in 2016 that voters do not need to prove citizenship, has continued her crusade against voting laws and is again targeting the Kansas Secretary of State. Judge ...

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Feisty & Feminine Workshop offered on interacting with Muslims

Dr. Dawlat Bishara, Dr. Safwat Bishara, and Former Kansas House Speaker Pro Tem Peggy Mast will join CWA State Director Barbara Saldivar in a frank panel discussion of how to engage authoritatively ...

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Pastor Fred Hollomon, former Chaplain of the Kansas State Senate, Remembered

Fred Hollomon, a Southern Baptist pastor who served as Senate chaplain in Topeka for over 33 years, died February 13, 2018 at his home in Lawrence after a long battle with Alzheimer’s ...

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City of Topeka and Shawnee County declare war on human trafficking

The Shawnee County Commission, at their meeting on April 5, voted to approve a resolution “declaring war” on human trafficking. The City of Topeka’s governing body had voted 9-0 on April 3 ...

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KS Legislature finally comes to an ugly compromise on school funding

The Kansas House and Senate worked past midnight on Saturday to finally pass a school funding measure. The House mostly got their way, as the amount remained at the $500 million that ...

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Main witness in Greitens prosecution says she might have “dreamed” up key evidence

The felony case against Eric Greitens may be falling apart after earth-shaking statements made under oath by the key witness. The woman with whom Governor Eric Greitens’ had an affair, testified under ...

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Kansas Senate passes school funding bill; constitutional amendment stalls

It appears a constitutional amendment bill designed to end the cycle of school lawsuits in Kansas has stalled for now.  After several Senators changed their votes and a call of the Kansas ...

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Legislators hold up Kansas school funding plan; offer Constitutional Amendment to end cycle of lawsuits

For years now, legislators in the State of Kansas have been paying nervous tribute to the Kansas Supreme Court. As reported by the Kansas Policy Institute, the Kansas House developed a school funding plan ...

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McCaskill heads to Beverly Hills for cash

On the heels of election polls that show her trailing badly, Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s re-election campaign is heading to the nation’s liberal bastion, Beverly Hills, to pick up some cash. Former ...

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Big-name speakers highlight CWA Kansas State Conference

Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America in Washington, D.C., was the keynote speaker at the Kansas State CWA Conference on March 15, but other well-known locally-based speakers were also on ...

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MEDIA FACT CHECK: Tillerson length of service

The replacement of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week has been met with breathless reporting by the national news media as evidence of “chaos” in the Trump administration. “Unprecedented,” read ...

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Trump replaces Secretary Tillerson with Kansan

President Trump has replaced Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. The move comes as Tillerson fell ill in Kenya and was unable to complete his African diplomacy tour. Former Kansas Congressman Mike ...

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Topeka native tapped to run Trump campaign

Brad who? President Trump has hired Topeka native Brad Parscale, the digital media director of his 2016 campaign, to run his re-election bid, the campaign announced. But who is Brad Parscale? He’s ...

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Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens indicted by grand jury

With a lot of unanswered questions about the allegations and a troubling accusation about political skullduggery, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) was indicted by a grand jury in St. Louis on Thursday for conduct ...

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CWA of Kansas is on the move!

CWA of Kansas is part of Concerned Women for America (CWA).  CWA is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation.  As an organization they are committed to conservative issues such ...

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Here’s how tax cuts will really affect you

As Congress works towards passing the most massive tax cuts since Reagan, there’s a lot of fake information floating around on Facebook about how it will affect the average individual, family and ...

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Sexual harassers a big problem in Congress

Conyers affair reveals larger problem in government and society as lack of transparency enables sexual harassers. It was announced Sunday that Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the longest-serving democrat in Congress, is stepping down from ...

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