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Venezuela empties prisons, sends violent criminals to US border

Among the 2.2 million illegal aliens that have entered the country this year are violent criminals released from prisons in Venezuela. The news, alluded to on Thursday by President Joe Biden, has ...

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Gospel message at Queen’s funeral most heard and seen in history

Billions of people around the world heard about the faith of the late Queen Elizabeth during her funeral on Monday. That means that more people heard the Gospel Monday than at any ...

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McDonald’s to reopen in Ukraine but some locations destroyed

McDonald’s will reopen some of its restaurants in Ukraine beginning this week. The announcement comes after it assessed the locations destroyed by Russian missiles and mortars, and is a sign of hope ...

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More revealing quotes from the Queen on Jesus, faith

As Queen Elizabeth is laid to rest, more quotes and stories from her life are being remembered. Not only did she serve her nation as Queen but she also held the title ...

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From shoeboxes to war zones: how Samaritan’s Purse became a $1 billion humanitarian aid powerhouse


Each week, in a hulking warehouse in the small mountain town of N. Wilkesboro, N.C., Samaritan’s Purse employees load semi trailers full of supplies for the people of Ukraine: medicines, food, tarps, ...

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As Ukraine sees major victories, Russian media changes tone

russian media

As Russian forces retreat in the face of huge Ukrainian advances to take back their territory, Russian state-run media is starting to crack. The Putin-controlled media outlets, which almost exclusively dominates cable ...

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Russia retreating from Kharkiv as Ukraine counterattacks

Russia is retreating from positions around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. As Ukraine accelerates its offensive against invading troops in the south and east, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Saturday that it was pulling ...

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Communist China pays to influence American news: Report

mount rushmore, china, news

China is waging a multi-billion dollar global campaign to influence major news outlets to shape public opinion. That’s according to a new report that lays out how American media is profiting from ...

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Entire church congregation remains in limbo after fleeing Hong Kong

A congregation of Christians continues to seek asylum after fleeing Hong Kong.  The group remains in Thailand asking the United Nations refugee agency for protection from religious persecution at the hand of ...

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Questions of faith haunted the life of Gorbachev


There’s an interesting story about former Soviet leader Mikhael Gorbachev and how faith intersected his life. It isn’t every day that one of the creators of a political thriller gets to ask ...

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Queen Elizabeth may be near death as family joins her at bedside

[Update: Queen Elizabeth II has died] Some Royal observers Wednesday implied Queen Elizabeth II is on death watch. The news, which has not officially been confirmed by Buckingham Palace, has prompted the ...

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Museum of the Bible returns manuscript that was stolen from monastery during WWI

museum manuscript

The Museum of the Bible has returned a stolen manuscript to the Greek Orthodox Church. Bulgarian troops in 1917 looted the handwritten document, which is more than a thousand years old. Museum ...

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Chileans vote to reject new left wing constitution

Chileans have voted overwhelmingly to reject a new constitution that would have lurched the country to the left on gender, climate change and other social issues. More than 13 million citizens of ...

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Remaining Christians in Afghanistan persecuted by government, family members

Christians who remain in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover last summer routinely face persecution and torture from the Taliban government. “There are still Christians in Afghanistan,” said Todd Nettleton, an author and ...

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New York Jets donate $1 million to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland

The New York Jets football team is stepping up to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland. The CityServe Krakow Housing Project will receive $1 million to provide a safe home for families that ...

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Poland may seek $1.3 trillion from Germany over WWII invasion

poland germany

Germany owes Poland $1.32 trillion for the Nazi invasion, subsequent Nazi occupation and destruction. The demand for reparations were made on Thursday by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Poland’s governing Law and ...

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University allows ‘PhD in child pornography’


The University of Manchester has been criticized for allowing a student to complete a PhD documenting his sexual gratification from reading erotic comics involving children. Karl Andersson wanted to research Japanese ‘shota’ ...

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400 Baptist churches among thousands lost in Russian war on Ukraine

baptist ukraine

Over 400 Ukrainian Baptist congregations have been lost in Russia’s war on Ukraine, says Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary President Yaroslav Pyzh. The number is striking, considering that Ukraine’s protestant population is already ...

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Holocaust photos – found in attics and archives – reveal tragedy on personal level

holocaust photos

Newly found photos of the Holocaust are helping researchers put stories to the victims. The summer of 2022 marked the 80th anniversary of the first Nazi deportation of Jewish families from Germany to Auschwitz. ...

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Israel, Japan sign historic defense agreement

Japan and Israel are strengthening their ties with a historic agreement on defense. Israeli Minister of Defense Benny Gantz and Japanese Minister of Defense Yasukazu Hamada signed a “Memorandum for Defense Cooperation” ...

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Twitter, Facebook ban pro-Democracy accounts that criticize China

Twitter and Facebook have banned over 100 pro-democracy accounts that criticized China, Russia and Iran. The social media companies allege that the pages and groups were pro-American and “used deceptive tactics” to ...

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Solomon Islands blocks U.S navy after signing pact with China

Who lost the Solomon Islands? That’s the question many are asking after that nation announced it is refusing the United States Navy from entering any of its ports. It’s a major blow ...

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List of scientists saying there is no ‘climate crisis’ surpasses 1,150

There is no climate emergency say a growing number of scientists, climatologists and other specialists. They’re joining a growing list that now totals more than 1,100 who have signed a World Climate ...

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In positive move, Saudi Arabia reforms school curricula to confront extremism

Saudi Arabia continues to deter extremism with the newest effort targeting school curricula. The country’s Education Ministry recently announced the introduction of a new curriculum for the kingdom’s schools,  which involves, among ...

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Free app facilitates prayer for persecuted Christians around the world

silent genocide prayer

A new mobile prayer app developed by Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors USA gives users the ability to connect with persecuted Christians suffering for their faith. Available for free in the Apple ...

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