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News Briefs: Ban on shampoo bottles; Gaza update; Dems say Trump not a threat;

Today’s news briefs include Democrats don’t really think Trump is a threat, Gaza war update; Impeaching Thomas and Alito; banning shampoo bottles.

Update on Hamas in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces has killed or wounded 60 percent of Hamas fighters during its ongoing military campaign against the Palestinian terrorist group in Gaza, according to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Speaking on Wednesday to lawmakers at the Knesset, the name of Israel’s parliament, Gallant also revealed that Israeli forces have eliminated most of Hamas’ 24 battalions, according to The Algemeiner. Gallant met with US Middle East envoy Brett McGurk on Wednesday. In a join statement, Gallant said Israel will not tolerate the return of Hamas to the area.

Move to impeach Justices Alito, Thomas

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has introduced articles of impeachment against conservative Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. The leader of the leftist squad says “Congress has a legal, moral, and democratic obligation to impeach.” At issue are gifts that the justices failed to disclose in a timely manner, reports CNN. Ocasio-Cortez has reserved her criticism for the conservative justices while failing to acknowledge liberal justices who have also received gifts or payments. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson received a $1,200 gift from Oprah Winfrey. Justice Sonia Sotomayor received nearly $150,000 from her publisher. Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg accepted over $59,000 in gifts during her tenure.

New York bans little shampoo bottles

Images of daylight attacks on Jews and women on the streets of New York City have shocked the world.  The State legislature has been silent and critics are now calling out what they say are misguided priorities. The New York state assembly is now banning small shampoo and soap bottles from hotels. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, hotels with more than 50 rooms will not be able to provide toiletry bottles under 12 ounces. The law says that hotels that break the ban will first receive a warning with 30 days to “correct the violation.” Hotels that don’t remove them will be fined $250 and then $500 after 30 days. Meanwhile,  dozens of women are sharing their stories of being attacked on the streets of the nation’s largest city, reports CBS news. 

Trump not “existential threat” say top Democrats

Leaked comments reveal Democratic lawmakers admitting behind the scenes that former President Trump isn’t a “threat to democracy” as the party and media claims. New York Times columnist Ezra Klein appeared on The Bulwark Podcast and revealed what “top Democrats” have told him off the record as they panic over whether they should support or abandon President Biden on their ticket, the New York Post reports.  ‘I can live with Donald Trump winning,’” Klein said top Dems told him. “And I’ve heard people say that to me off the record, to be fair.” The Biden campaign began using the term “existential threat” without proof and it was then promoted by national media.

–Dwight Widaman and wire services

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