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Tag Archives: Down Syndrome

On World Down Syndrome Day, dad cannot imagine life without his daughter

down day

In a post that appeared at The Atlantic, “A Generational Shift in Understanding Life With Down Syndrome,” Educator Theo Malekin does an admirable job in helping us understand how much attitudes have changed ...

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Federal Court blocks Missouri law that banned aborting babies with Down syndrome

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A federal appeals court panel on Wednesday blocked Missouri from banning abortions of children with Down syndrome. A three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis heard ...

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Kansas Congressional candidate Weir pushes back against charge she was recruited for her looks

Disability rights advocate Sara Hart Weir recently announced that she is running against Democratic Rep. Sharice Davids in Kansas’s 3rd District congressional race. Elizabeth Arnold, a progressive political activist from Johnson County, ...

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Americans should worry that Britain ordered disabled woman to abort child

While the debate over abortion in our country rages around the issue of life vs. choice, many Americans may have missed the news that a British judge recently ruled a women under ...

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Supreme Court rules in favor and against pre-born

The US Supreme Court has just upheld an Indiana law that requires abortion providers to treat pre-born babies in the same way adults and children are cared for in burial. The court has ...

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Ashton Kutcher posts Down syndrome advocate’s powerful pro-life testimony amid reignited abortion debate

Video of Special Olympian Frank Stephens’ 2017 testimony in front of Congress is going viral again after actor Ashton Kutcher posted it to his Facebook page last week with the message “Everyone’s life is valuable.” Kutcher’s ...

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