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Tag Archives: emotional

Jerry Seinfeld meets with hostage families, “My heart is breaking”

seinfeld hostages

A recent trip to Israel had a powerful impact on comedian and actor Jerry Seinfeld. He became emotional during an interview with podcaster Bari Weiss. “Honestly, it was the most powerful experience ...

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Freud and C.S. Lewis square off in new film

freud lewis

Harvard psychiatrist Armand Nicholi taught a popular course on “The Question of God,” examining Sigmund Freud’s atheism and C.S. Lewis‘ faith. Now a related Sony theatrical film imagines that the two met ...

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Well-being of pastors has dropped in several key areas since 2015, study finds

church pastors lonely

The well-being of pastors in several key areas has significantly declined since 2015, a new report from Barna Research found. When it comes to having true friends, 20 percent of pastors in ...

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Predictable, consistent parents key to brain development in children

Scientists have long known that the experiences you have during infancy and childhood play an important role in shaping how your brain matures and how you behave as an adult. But figuring out why ...

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Family rifts affect millions – here’s how to move toward reconciliation

family rifts

Family relationships are on many people’s minds during the holiday season as sounds and images of happy family celebrations dominate the media. Anyone whose experiences don’t live up to the holiday hype may find ...

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Help children avoid Christmas emotional breakdowns

The Christmas season is an exciting time for children – perhaps a little too exciting at times. Christi Bergin, Ph.D., a developmental psychologist at the University of Missouri, shared advice for making ...

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How ‘living memorials’ help service members remember fallen comrades

Memorials can be especially meaningful for those processing their experiences and remembering those they lost, and physically represent the emotional weight they carry every day. On Veterans Day, people across America thanked ...

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Americans now lonelier than ever as number of friends declines

The United States is becoming a lonely place according to a new study on friends. Americans now report they have the fewest close friends since the early 1990s. While most demographics are ...

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Hallmark giving away a million cards to help encourage people

hallmark cards

Hallmark Cards is giving away one million cads from its Real Stories collection to inspire people to support their loved ones throughout life’s ups and downs and strengthen their relationships through regular ...

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Death of brother gives insight into Donald Trump and close family

Sources close to the President stated anonymously over the weekend that Donald Trump wept at the news of his younger brother’s death. Robert Trump, a businessman known as even tempered and jokingly ...

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Study: Ringing a cancer bell at end of treatment does more harm than good

We’ve all seen the commercials. A cancer patient rings a bell, triumphantly proclaiming they’ve “beat” cancer. But is that celebratory moment doing more harm than good? Since 1996, the practice has become ...

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Coping with caregiver anger

There are countless emotions involved in caring for an aging loved one, but difficult feelings like anger, frustration and resentment are a few that family caregivers often struggle with. Each person experiences ...

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The profound loneliness of Christmas

Christmas loneliness

If you are blessed with a generally happy Christmas, treasure it enough to share it with someone who might not be. Consider this my public-service announcement, one for all the grinches, the ...

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New website to assist Kansans coping with ag-related stress

Agriculture producers have faced significant challenges in recent years, including the stress of market uncertainties, natural disasters, ongoing trade wars and other setbacks. These stressful situations have led to heightened focus on ...

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Tips for managing caregiver boredom

It can be mentally and emotionally taxing to be a caregiver, especially when the care being given is for a loved one. Family caregivers often put their regular lives on hold to ...

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Actress Patricia Heaton emotional hearing testimony of forgiveness

Actress Patricia Heaton was utterly overwhelmed with emotion after meeting with a woman who says she has totally forgiven the man who murdered her entire family. The Rwandan genocide broke out in ...

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