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Tag Archives: evangelism

After bus crash, Chinese church bridges culture gap

bus crash

It was a typical Tuesday morning at Grace Chinese Baptist Church when I received an unexpected call from the church secretary, Evelyn Yao. My heart grew heavy as her words “bus crash” ...

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Volleyball discipleship has FCA coaches and players ‘digging deep’


Growing up excelling in volleyball, Sierra Crook had a nagging concern as a college player—that the sport’s culture communicated to coaches and athletes that they were only as valuable as how well ...

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Billy Graham still leading others to Christ

Rev. Billy Graham is still leading people to Christ almost a year after his death. February 21 marks one year since Graham died at age 99. It was the most high profile ...

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Former ISIS fighters finding Christ in Syria

The recent announcement that the United States would withdraw its small contingent of just 2,000 troops from Syria has some Christians worried while others see room for optimism. As the civil war ...

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Movie explores details of missionary’s murder

missionary killed

A missionary’s murder that shocked the world 20 years ago is the focus of a new movie — and its filmmakers hope the project helps spark a renewed interest in long-term missions. ...

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Millennial Christians not fond of evangelism

If the future of spreading the Gospel is in the hands of millennial Christians, evangelism in America is at risk. Barna research reveals in a new study that about half of younger ...

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Wycliffe receives 619 requests for new Bible translation

wycliffe bible translations

The people who speak 619 different languages, and who don’t have a Bible in their languages, are asking for help. Wycliffe Associates, an international organization involving people in the advancement of Bible ...

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Muslim woman flees domestic abuse, finds Christ and new calling

No one would have thought a Muslim woman in Iran who was simply trying to stay alive in an abusive marriage would one day lead two churches in Sweden, bring more than ...

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Christian music brings a Buddhist to Christ


Pavan* grew up feeling unsettled in his destiny. As the firstborn son in his family, he thought he would have to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a Buddhist monk. But ...

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Is sharing your faith now taboo in America?

The American religious landscape is changing before our eyes. The number of those identifying with faith is declining and believers are experiencing heightened nervousness at standing out from a secularized culture. Those ...

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Christmas Eve busy time for churches across America

At the nondenominational, multi-campus Faith Church in Missouri, Christmas Eve will be the culmination of a long weekend of creative celebration focused on family, Christ and saving souls. “Each service is another opportunity to ...

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How the Gospel reached the brutal Amazon “Skull Splitters” tribe


The warriors from the Skull Splitter tribe walked 10 days on foot from a village deep in the Amazon jungle because they wanted to find someone who would tell them about the ...

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Instead of trafficking heroin man now smuggles Bibles


A former smuggler involved in the international drug trade impacting Central Asia has opened up about how he went from trafficking illicit drugs like heroin to secretly selling Christian literature in hostile ...

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Why reaching the campus with Christ is critical

If you could change the world, where would you start? Would you start by ridding the world of tyrants? Would you re-do the education or legal system? No, you would go to ...

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Looking for a way to serve in your second season of life?


If you’ve come to the point in your life, where you are ready to do something in the “eternal” sense and have developed a sense of longing to please God, there’s a ...

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New law in Nepal criminalizes evangelism

A law criminalizing religious conversions and the “hurting of religious feelings” went into effect in Nepal this week, a year after the bill was passed. As World Watch Monitor reported last year, ...

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Fired for sharing faith, nurse returns to work


A British nurse who was fired for talking to patients about her Christian faith has now been  allowed to return to work. Christian Concern, which backed Sarah Kuteh, the nurse, revealed that ...

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The Gospel heard by thousands of coaches and athletes thanks to FCA


The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is on a mission to see the world transformed by Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. One way they’re making that happen is by ...

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Is inviting people to church old-fashioned?


Americans are still inviting their friends to church. Nearly two-thirds of churchgoers say they’ve invited at least one person to visit their church in the past six months, according to a new study. ...

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Conference Friday will encourage the church to train members to share faith

Are there “optional” things in the Christian life? Are church attendance, Bible studies, tithing, giving to charity all optional as in a “pick-and-choose” your committment? As it turns out, many Christians say ...

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Here’s how Christians are sharing the Gospel with Russians during the World Cup


The FIFA World Cup finals take place every four years and attract a television audience of over a billion. They also draw hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world ...

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Poll shows social media being used to share faith, plus tips for when you do

Are Christians using social media to reach neighbors, friends and family as effectively as they can? A new study shows just three in 10 Christians have shared their faith with non-believing friends ...

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