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Tag Archives: judaism

First time in 100 years: Israel lacks a chief rabbi

chief rabbi

For the first time in more than a century, Israel has no chief rabbi. The incumbents, David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef, recently left office with no clear successors elected in their stead, ...

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Artist portrays the Jewishness of Jesus

jewishness of jesus

For many, the Jewishness of Jesus has been lost as Christianity recast his image to fit a gentile faith. This artist to portrays a more authentic identity through stirring images. As an ...

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Most missed Pentecost Sunday – a significant day in church history

pentecost church

Christians around the world celebrated Pentecost on May 28. Sadly, many Churches across the United States ignore this important commemoration which is one of the most significant on the church calendar. Pentecost ...

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Israel bill against evangelizing sparks widespread opposition

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rejecting a proposed law that would criminalize sharing the Gospel in Israel. The bill, supported by members of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, would punish ...

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Minority faith leaders say court ruling on prayer is significant

minority faith

Christians are not the only group who celebrated the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Constitution protects a high school football coach’s right to pray. Several minority faith leaders who previously ...

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What is Shavuot (Pentecost) really all about?

Pentecost shavuot

Over the past 44 years, I have had the privilege of speaking in over 450 churches in any number of varied contexts. When given the opportunity, I have asked the audiences a ...

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Visit to Israel had profound impact on quarterback Tom Brady

With Israel open again for tourism 2022 will likely see a lot of athletes, actors and others making a spiritual journey.  Retired quarterback Tom Brady knows firsthand about the Holy Land and ...

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Purim skits and satire have brought merriment to an ancient Jewish holiday in America


Purim, the springtime Jewish holiday packed with much merriment and humor, recalls the biblical story of Queen Esther. In this tale, the queen stayed true to her Jewish roots and used her status ...

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Now revealed: Dramatic rescue of orphan children from Ukraine

orphan ukraine

Yael Eckstein, president and CEO of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), says she “thought she had seen it all.” She relates the story of a secret orphan rescue from ...

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How do Christian-Jewish families navigate the Christmas tree?


Traditionally, for Christian-Jewish families – or at least in writing about them – the month of December is referred to as a “dilemma.” This time of year brings discussion about whether to celebrate Christmas, ...

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Jews around the world pause to celebrate Yom Kippur

Jews around the world today are celebrating Yom Kippur, which is the celebration of the “Ten Days of Awe.” “These are heavy, heavy days of repentance and reflection and seeking God’s face ...

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Major religious groups and their stand on vaccinations

As the debate over COVID19 vaccinations continues, some people cite religious beliefs as a reason not to take the shot. Most religions have no prohibition against vaccinations, although some have considerations, concerns ...

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AdventHealth buys Holy Land Experience theme park in Florida

A Seventh-day Adventist health-care company has purchased the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando from Trinity Broadcasting Network. TBN, the park’s owner since 2007, sold the roughly 15-acre museum and tourist ...

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Kathie Lee Gifford, Rabbi Jason Sobel offer free Bible lessons from Israel

TV personality Kathie Lee Gifford is joining with messianic rabbi Jason Sobel to offer free Bible lessons that were recorded on location in Israel. “If we want to understand what Jesus’ life ...

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Yom Kippur is an act of repentance that changes one’s life course

It’s time for the spiritually spectacular day of the Biblical year! YOM KIPPUR begins sundown Sunday September 27, continuing Monday morning, afternoon and through the evening closing service marked by the last ...

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Jewish congregations adapt to new reality of online services

As most Christians transition to online services, traditional Jewish congregations also are adjusting to the new reality. Although many have livestreamed Shabbat services for years — mostly for the benefit of shut-ins ...

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Facebook founder Zuckerberg says he’s “become more religious”


Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire founder of Facebook, has faced tough questions from Congress recently about data procurement and advertising practices. As a result of this stress, he says he has spent more ...

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Students talk to President about religious discrimination


While it was virtually ignored in the news this week, students, teachers, coaches and religious freedom activists with diverse faith backgrounds visited the White House to talk about religious discrimination and intimidation. ...

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Thousands of Jews and Christians rally in New York to protest rising anti-Semitism

More than 25,000 people rallied in New York City on Sunday to support the Jewish community and speak out against rising anti-Semitism. The solidarity march included people from all backgrounds. The rally ...

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Fox News reporter lists top five religion stories of 2019

religion stories

New Year’s week is when journalists look back at the top news stories of the year that is ending. Mark Heckler of Fox News offered his top five religion stories in 2019 ...

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Jews turn to many traditions to celebrate Hanukkah

The Jewish community, both local and around the world, will celebrate Hanukkah from December 22-30. Here’s some interesting facts about the holiday you may not know. It has multiple spellings. Because the ...

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‘Fulfillment of prophecy,’ say Christians in Israel celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Tens of thousands of Christians from around the world are in Israel this week as Jews celebrate the biblical feast of Sukkot. Many of the Christian believers have come to see prophecy ...

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Messianic congregation invites you to the Feast of Tabernacles and the ‘Greatest Day’

The Greatest Day! “On the last greatest day of the Feast (Sukkot – Tabernacles), Yeshua stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.” ...

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Jews return to Warsaw Ghetto for Passover Seder after 76 years

warsaw ghetto

Jews are returning to the Warsaw Ghetto, scene of unimaginable suffering during WWII, to hold a Passover Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto. It will be the first Passover Seder there in 76 ...

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Recently released letters from Einstein reveal faith, humor, fear of Nazis


While modern atheists like to assert Albert Einstein as one of their own, recently released letters prove he was interested not only in his own faith but that of his son who ...

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