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Tag Archives: judicial reform

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu doing well after receiving pacemaker

netanyahu pacemaker congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a pacemaker during emergency heart surgery Sunday. “He was admitted urgently to Sheba Medical Center,” said Dr. Eyal Nof, the head of invasive electrophysiology service at the Sheba Medical ...

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DeSantis to Biden Administration: “Butt out” of Israeli politics

desantis israeli

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis criticized the Biden administration for its repeated meddling in internal Israeli policies, saying the U.S. should stay out of the Jewish state’s decisions. DeSantis stressed that Israel is a sovereign ...

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Israel bill against evangelizing sparks widespread opposition

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rejecting a proposed law that would criminalize sharing the Gospel in Israel. The bill, supported by members of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, would punish ...

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