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Tag Archives: same-sex

In Ivory Coast, 1.2 million United Methodists vote to leave denomination

ivory coast

The largest overseas jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church has voted to leave the denomination because of its stances on human sexuality issues. The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast has ...

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Majority of Protestant pastors oppose gay marriage

protestant gay

Despite increasing cultural support for gay marriage, a large majority of Protestant pastors still support the biblical belief that it is reserved for a man and woman, a new Lifeway Research study ...

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John Piper stakes out New Testament position on same-sex relationships in church

Liberty piper east political relationships

Pastor and author John Piper has weighed in on how churches should deal with same-sex relationships. He responded in podcast to comments by Pope Francis last December to allow priests to bless ...

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Franklin Graham responds to the Pope allowing same-sex blessings

graham pope

The Rev. Franklin Graham has harsh words for Pope Francis, who recently approved a measure that will allow Roman Catholic priests to offer blessings to same-sex couples. “So-called ‘blessings’ from religious leaders ...

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United Methodist congregations leaving denomination tops 7,000

congregations global methodist

More than 7,000 congregations now have left the United Methodist Church because of the denomination’s positions on sexuality issues. More than 2,000 have left this year alone. This total includes 366 churches ...

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Vatican will allow transgender people to be baptized

baptized transgender

The Catholic Church will allow transgender individuals to be baptized as long as it doesn’t cause “scandal or confusion.” The new policy contradicts church teaching that says engaging in homosexual behavior is ...

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Nazarene Church, California pastor clash over same-sex marriage

nazarene same-sex

The Church of the Nazarene has become the latest denomination to deal with controversy over same-sex marriage. A California pastor affiliated with the church may be removed from his position because of ...

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Judge rules that farmers market can’t ban Christian farmer

judge farmers

A federal judge in Michigan ruled this week that the city of East Lansing can’t ban a local business owner from taking part in a farmers market because he refuses for religious ...

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Seattle megachurch leaving denomination after embracing LGBTQ policies

Controversy over same-sex marriage is not limited to mainline denominations. Quest Church, an influential Seattle megachurch, is leaving the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination over its LGBTQ policy just weeks after it participated ...

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What Christianity Today gets wrong about the Respect for Marriage Act

In a Christianity Today op-ed, Carl H. Esbeck, Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Missouri, offers a positive assessment of the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA). He writes, “All in ...

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Blunt, Hawley disagree in vote to codify same-sex marriage into federal law

hawley marriage

One of Roy Blunt’s final acts as senior senator from Missouri was to vote in favor of a proposal to codify same-sex marriage in federal law Wednesday. Sen. Josh Hawley voted against ...

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Federal court rules charities can refuse adoption to gay couples

Christian adoption agencies cannot be forced by the state to place adoptive children with same-sex couples. In a ruling that affects adoption agencies nationwide, a federal judge handed down the decision in ...

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America moving toward overturning social statement on same-sex marriage

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who oppose same-sex marriage may no longer enjoy the protection of a social statement that respects their conscience. Delegates to the denomination’s churchwide assembly ...

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Faith leaders urge Senate to reject same-sex marriage bill that passed House

More than 80 Christian and politically conservative groups delivered a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asking him to oppose a same-sex marriage bill. The “Respect for Marriage Act” measure gives ...

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Japan upholds ban on same-sex marriage

A Japanese court has upheld a ban on same-sex marriage by dismissing a lawsuit that argued it was unconstitutional. Three same-sex couples in their 30s and 50s sued in the Osaka District ...

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Mennonite Church USA approves pastors performing same-sex weddings

Count the Mennonite Church USA among the denominations passing resolutions over same-sex weddings, pastor officiations, and other hot-button issues. But it is not coming without cost as it loses over 15 percent ...

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Large Methodist Church in Oklahoma disaffiliates from denomination over doctrinal issues

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The controversy dividing the United Methodist Church continues as a large congregation in Tulsa changed its name. Asbury United Methodist Church is now officially called Asbury Church, the megachurch said in a statement on ...

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‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ is the slippery slope to legalized pedophilia


On Wednesday, the New York Post reported that student protests led to a transgender college professor being placed on administrative leave for saying it is not immoral for adults to be sexually ...

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Methodist churches want to split from denomination sooner than planned

Congregations should be able to leave the United Methodist Church now instead of waiting for next year’s General Conference, a group of members told bishops in a letter. The denomination has been ...

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‘Woke’ books targeting a much younger audience of children

woke books

“Woke books,” already a concern in school libraries, now are targeting an even younger audience. A wave of woke books about racism, same-sex parents and police brutality now can be found in ...

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Pope Francis states he opposes abortion and same-sex marriage

Although Pope Francis has been criticized for several of his more progressive views, he made a strong statement against abortion and same-sex marriage last week. “Abortion is murder; the church cannot change ...

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Presbyterian Church in America supports biblical sexuality at General Assembly

Pastors and church leaders who identify as gay are not qualified for ordination, the Presbyterian Church in America said in an overture passed during its General Assembly last week. An overture is ...

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Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of Catholic foster care agency

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

Religious rights advocates are continuing to praise a rare unanimous U.S. Supreme Court which ruled on behalf of a Catholic foster care agency. Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia said its religious views ...

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Missouri college appeals Biden order requiring dorm rooms, showers be opened to opposite sex

dorm rooms supreme ozarks

The College of the Ozarks plans to appeal after a federal judge who ruled the school must open its dorm rooms and showers to members of the opposite sex. The Missouri school, ...

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Cake baker Jack Phillips shares price he paid for standing up

In a new Op-Ed published by Fox News, Colorado cake baker Jack Phillips shares the behind-the-scenes story and the cost he paid for standing up for his faith. Phillips was punished and ...

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