Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Les Miserables inspires and amazes this week

It is no secret that Broadway productions often mock Christianity, if not openly display hostility towards it. But for Les Miserables, which for many years was the most seen musical on The ...

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Dave Ramsey shares 5 rules for stocking stuffers

Stocking stuffers at Christmas are kind of like cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving. It’s there every year, but it’s usually an afterthought. It’s the opening band for the big concert. But don’t you ...

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There’s a human side to issue of terror

Former Mayor of Israeli town address diplomats on how terrorism affected them. “It’s a strange analogy perhaps, but just as we in the biblical heartland of Israel are healing children and rebuilding ...

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Free church security seminar Thursday, Dec. 7


The Harrisonville, Missouri police department is offering free security training to churches in the area Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. at the police department, Department leaders said they decided to do this ...

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Deaf refugees find home in Olathe church

Three years ago, Debbie Buchholz, senior pastor of Deaf International Community Church in Olathe, met Guman, a deaf refugee in his 30s who had a limp and cerebral palsy. “When I first ...

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Christmas leads streaming choices this month

He’s the meanest creature on the planet, but perhaps that’s to be expected. After all, his heart is “two sizes too small”–especially at Christmas!   This month we look at what’s streaming ...

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FEMA bill allowing churches to receive aid advances


WASHINGTON — Churches, synagogues, mosques and other faith-based community centers damaged in a natural disaster could be eligible for federal disaster relief funds through FEMA under a measure approved by a congressional ...

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City Union Mission seeks help through Celebrate Hope campaign


Already halfway to the end their four-month CELEBRATE HOPE: Reach Out to K.C.’s Poor and Homeless campaign, City Union Mission has $4,178,160 yet to raise to meet their $6 million goal. The ...

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The Case for Thanksgiving

Perhaps no other custom reveals our nation’s original character as clearly as the celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Other countries have adopted similar observances, but America was the first to nationally recognize its ...

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Stores bow to pressure, close for Thanksgiving

After several years of being open Thanksgiving Day, the nation’s retailers may be taking a step back. Retail industry experts say  it is in response to employee discontent with having to work ...

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Kansas City Serves


As Season of Giving Arrives Ministries Ramp Up.   For 30 years, Metro Voice has worked with area ministries to share the tremendous need for volunteers and resources during the holiday season. ...

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10 Action Steps for Church Safety

PHILADELPHIA—More than a week after the horrific, tragic and frightening shooting at a rural Texas church, many church leaders are thinking seriously about their own church security and what may need to ...

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November releases include season’s first Christmas offerings

Am I the only one who begins singing or humming Christmas tunes somewhere around October and November? When anyone asks me what my favorite holiday is, I always answer with Christmas. Christmas ...

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Church shooting victims include 14-year-old daughter of pastor

churches guns

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (BP) — The 14-year-old daughter of a Southern Baptist pastor was reportedly among 26 people killed when an armed man began shooting during Sunday morning (Nov. 5) worship services at ...

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The Balfour Declaration – A thorn in the flesh of political correctness!

Little did Lord Arthur Balfour (1848-1930) know when he penned his declaration, that much of the world would be in an uproar about it, 1oo years later. His short letter to Lord ...

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Spectacular Museum Of the Bible Opens This Month

museum of the bible

Nov. 17 grand opening of museum to be a ‘celebration’ of scripture.   When visitors to Washington, D.C., tour the capital’s historic museums and monuments in the future, they’ll have more than just American ...

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How should believers invest for the future?

How to invest: Faith, not fear of N. Korea, should guide both finances and time says Stewardship Capital founder Ron Finke. In a little-heralded news item last month, the Federal Reserve announced ...

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Young woman reaches goal of cross-country run for life

As a Kansas City-area woman wraps up a cross-country, year-plus-long adventure performing outreach, she’s ready to keep sharing the message that life matters. Anna Hoduski set out to run across the U.S. ...

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No Longer a Jacob Turk Supporter

  Editor’s Note: Bev Ehlen, President of Concerned Women of America Missouri, has written a personal open letter to the voters of Missouri’s 8th Senatorial District. This comes on the heels of ...

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United in Christ is Aim of Kairos

Kairos International will gather believers from around the world Oct. 24 in show of unity.   By the time he was 12, Bruno Ierullo was so notorious in the Canadian crime scene, ...

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Case for Christ Tops November Streaming

This movie shines and is well worth your time while looking for good streaming options. Lee is a journalist who wants to prove that there is no God, and he’s going to ...

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Grandparenting: 6 things to pass on!

Grandparenting.  It’s a great thing.  I’ve got two little grandkids of my own, and we are having a blast.  I remember the moment that the first little one came home.  It was ...

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Big XII golf champion Chase Hanna to highlight golf tournament

Chase Hanna hasn’t played in the annual golf tournament for Character That Counts and TGIW in years. However, he hasn’t exactly been neglecting his game. Hanna, who graduated from the University of ...

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After assassination comments, senator seeks redemption


Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal seeks President Trump’s forgiveness and hopes to work with him By Dwight Widaman | Metrovoicenews.com On Thursday morning, August 17, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-St. Louis County) awoke ...

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King: “We must learn to live together.”

After violence erupted when white nationalists and Antifa rioters battled at a rally in support of Confederate statues in Charlottesville, Va., the nation was left reeling. In response, the niece of civil rights hero Dr. Martin Luther King ...

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