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Plan ahead for weather by preparing emergency kit for car

Dozens of people died during the record snowfall in western New York last week. Although the risk may not be as great in the Kansas City area, preparing for bad weather is ...

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Democrat-led Colorado joins Florida in busing illegal immigrants

With illegal entries into the United States at crisis levels, Democrat-led Colorado will join Republican states in busing migrants to New York and other Democrat-run cities. The announcement by Colorado’s Democrat  Governor ...

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Christian organization raising funds for families of Egyptian martyrs to visit Israel

christian organization

Islamic militants murdered 21 Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya in 2015. The gruesome video of the beheadings elicited outrage around the world. Now a Christian organization wants to fulfill the ...

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Netanyahu returning to power for one reason – to stop Iran, TV interviewer says

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister-designate of Israel, is returning to power for a reason – to stop Iran. Erick Stakelbeck, host of the TBN news program “The Watchman,” recently interviewed Netanyahu. “I ...

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Christian author donating Bibles to persecuted church for each book sold

If your New Year resolution includes reading more books, you can purchase one and help believers around the world in the process. A Christian author is putting his own books and digital ...

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Legislation blocks foreign ownership of Missouri farmland

missouri farmland china

Increasing ownership of U.S. farmland by the Chinese government has raised red flags in Missouri and other states. State lawmakers in 2013 voted to allow up to 1 percent of farmland to ...

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Works of biblical King Hezekiah called one of most important finds ever


It is an amazing experience to walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel in Jerusalem. Now, a recent translation of inscriptions describing the works of King Hezekiah is one of the most important archaeological discoveries ...

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Deion Sanders glorifies God as Colorado football coach

Deion Sanders

Sports star Deion Sanders is relishing his role as the new head coach of the Colorado Buffaloes. It began upon his introduction in the new position. “Don’t you ever tell me what ...

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Democrats release Trump tax returns but downplay what they reveal

trump returns

Critics of Donald Trump have long accused the former President of profiting from his time in office. Democrat-led House Ways and Means Committee released his tax returns on Friday after a lengthy ...

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Pope Francis asks for prayers for predecessor’s failing health

Pope Francis this week asked for prayers for his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. “I would like to ask all of you for a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict, who, in ...

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Top 10 Biblical Archaeological Discoveries of 2022

discoveries 2023

What are the biggest biblical archaeological discoveries in 2022? Dozens of extraordinary finds were announced over the last 12 months that reveal insights into scripture and affirm dates, places and events in ...

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LGBT group reveals how they promote gender ideology to school children

promote ideology

The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has admitted in a video how the organization pushes radical gender ideology in the nation’s public schools. The shockingly frank revelation reveals they promote transgenderism ...

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7 ancient financial tips from Proverbs still ring true

Can wisdom from the ancient texts of Proverbs apply to the fast-paced financial world of the 21st Century? After all, they were written over 2,700 years ago. Ask someone from the millennial ...

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Ukrainian protestant Christians being tortured, killed by Russia

ukrainian protestants

Russia is kidnapping and torturing Ukrainian protestant Christians much the way it persecuted believers under Soviet Communism. The charge is being made by a Christian persecution watchdog group that revealed an investigation ...

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What do Blue Zones and successful families have in common?


We hear often of the breakdown of families. What about the rebuilding? Recently I’ve been reading a book by Dan Buettner called The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the ...

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Full transcript of Zelensky address to the American people and Congress

Zelensky american

President Volodymyr Zelensky an impassioned speech filled with gratitude toward the American people and urged Congress and the President to deliver the tools to defeat Russia. In the Dec. 21 address, delivered ...

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Supreme Court denies Biden request to end Title 42 border rule

In a setback for the Biden administration’s open border policy, the Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Title 42, the Trump-era immigration and public health order. Biden had fought for an end to ...

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Jordan to develop competing site to Israel where John baptized Jesus

The Jordanian government is considering plans for a $100 million makeover of the site where many believe John the Baptist baptized Jesus. King Abdullah and the Jordanian government are listening to proposals ...

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Financial decisions now can pay dividends in the coming year

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is a good time to not only take down the decorations but also plan for the coming year. David Ragland, CEO of IRC Wealth and ...

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Whoopi Goldberg doubles down with comments on Jews and the Holocaust

Whoopi Goldberg is being criticized for what many call ignorant comments about Jews and the Holocaust. “Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical,” the ...

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The fascinating history of air travel in Kansas City and the Midwest

air travel

When we think of air travel today, we think of the airports around the country, and we think of the number of flights that go through Chicago or Atlanta. We think about ...

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Southwest cancels 70 percent of flights over weather

southwest flights storm

Thousands of travelers remain stranded across the country with the number of canceled Southwest flights reaching more than 2,000 on Monday alone. The Dallas-based carrier canceled more flights Monday evening bringing to ...

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Germany acknowledges limits of green energy as it fires up coal plants

Germany is realizing that going green is not a reliable economic plan in the face of an energy crisis. Europe’s largest economy is returning to the reliable stand-by of coal and ditching ...

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Kansas City will enjoy rare white Christmas this week

With snow on the ground and Arctic temperatures sweeping south, Kansas City will enjoy a white Christmas this week. It is fairly unusual because Kansas City has only had a white Christmas ...

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New film ‘Why the Nativity’ take world by storm ahead of Christmas

why the nativity

After premiering Thanksgiving, the docudrama film Why the Nativity has been viewed by more than 12 million people on YouTube alone. And its not stopping. Produced by Turning Point, the broadcast ministry ...

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