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Tag Archives: bernie sanders

Actress Patricia Heaton: standing strong for pro-life cause in Hollywood

A pro-life website ran an article this week on why we should be encouraged in 2022. It wrote that “celebrities such as actress Patricia Heaton are using their platforms to promote a ...

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No, Bernie, July was not the hottest month “in the history of the planet”

Major media outlets are repeating a claim by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that last month was the hottest “in the history of the planet.” It comes during a worldwide push by Western ...

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Biden administration will keep U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

macarthur pray

In a surprise move, the Biden administration will keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The announcement eases fears that the U.S. would abandon its most important ally in the Middle East. What’s ...

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Most Americans don’t see Democratic candidates as very religious


Religion has been a topic of conversation during the Democratic presidential primary, and some candidates have pointed out how their religious beliefs have shaped their political positions. But Americans don’t consider the Democratic candidates ...

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Josh Hawley agrees with Marco Rubio that Bernie Sanders is a Marxist

Many political observers and pundits are calling Tuesday night’s Democrat debate a train wreck. From Joe Biden claiming 150 million Americans have been murdered, Bernie Sanders defending a Marxist regime to Michael ...

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Bernie Sanders: Pro-life Democrats need not apply            

The Democratic Party’s inclusiveness apparently doesn’t extend to pro-life voters. Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont who is running for the Democrat nomination, was asked in a forum, “Is there such ...

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Bernie Sanders promises to eliminate need for charity by taxing the wealthy

Jesus said the poor will always be with us, which is why the church is commanded to exhibit charity in their care. Bernie Sanders, socialist candidate for the Democrat presidential nomination, disagrees. ...

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Media silent on Bernie Sanders wanting population control to stop ‘climate change’

population control

The media has a secret they don’t want you to know. What they’re keeping from viewers and readers is something out of the pages of a dystopian novel or perhaps the Communist ...

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News Briefs: Biden’s brother sued for fraud; Missouri pro-life law partially blocked; Democrats and ‘luxury’ taxes

news briefs electric car israel july dems biden

Companies sue Joe Biden’s brother for fraud Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through ...

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Jerrold Nadler: another socialist in Congress

Jerrold Nadler, the socialist we will be exposing may surprise many people that really do not know who they elected. Let us hope that becomes true so we can get rid of ...

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Socialism isn’t free: millennials learn hard lesson

Free isn’t always free. That’s what a new study finds millennials are leaning when it comes to government programs and socialism. The survey by the Harvard Institute of Politics shows 18-to-29-year-old voters ...

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VP Pence heads to border of Venezuela as their military kills more civilians

While some say  war looms between the US and Venezuela, Vice President Pence is heading to that nation’s border in diplomatic effort.  The news comes as Venezuela fired on civilians desperate  to ...

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McCaskill turns on former allies, faces crazy claims

Even Republicans are dismissing claims by a St. Louis Democratic State Representative that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) is a white nationalist. But, elections are said to bring out the worst in people. ...

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