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Tag Archives: children

Study of 100 British schools shows ‘very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools’

Imagine state governments announcing they plan to shut down schools until there is a cure for breast cancer. That is essentially the logic they are employing to shut schools because of a ...

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The pornification of America: How young girls are being groomed by sexual predators

What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators? That’s the question I keep getting asked by people who, having read my article on the growing danger of young ...

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China kidnapping Christian children, threatening parents with forced labor

China is now kidnapping children from Christian parents. The actions are part of an increased campaign of terror waged on China’s Christian minority. Human rights activists and church members say parents are ...

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CDC now strongly favors schools reopening in fall

As polls show an overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans believe schools should reopen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the science now backs it up. The nation’s ...

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Using God’s Word as part of daily parenting

Recent family polling suggests that 72% of parents believe that Bible verses have nothing to do with parenting. Having taught inner city preschool for many years and prayed for children and parents ...

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One Hope has reached an amazing 1.6 billion children

According to the One Hope Ministry website, the Lord burdened founder Bob Hoskins’ heart to understand that “Satan targets children in horrible ways to destroy the potential of the next generation.” He ...

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Media shamed: ‘Not one question about children who were killed’ says White House press secretary

media children

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany shamed the assembled news media at the daily White House press briefing. McEnany said the media asked numerous questions about the Confederate flag but none about ...

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Churches getting creative in holding VBS this summer

Across America, Vacation Bible School is a summer tradition. The ongoing pandemic has left many churches scrambling to find safe ways to continue VBS, giving kids access to a familiar summer activity ...

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‘Napalm girl’ in famous Vietnam War photo: ‘Those bombs led me to Christ’


The “napalm girl” famously captured in Nick Ut’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 1970s photograph has related her incredible journey from a pagan life of bitterness and hatred to a new life of love and ...

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Lockdowns may be permanently damaging mental health of children

As lockdowns ease, many parents are still wondering if they will be able to send their children to church camp or if they’ll continue to spend time in lockdown. With children already ...

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Christians in Nigeria: Almost 700 slaughtered by Fulani militias this year

nigeria fulani

Christian women, children, the elderly, disabled and men continue to die by the hundreds across northern Nigeria at the hands of Muslim Fulani terrorists. A new report from Nigeria details the latest ...

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Middle East nations experiencing spike in domestic abuse during lockdown

abuse middle east

As billions of people around the world are told to stay safe at home, many are finding that home is not always a safe place. Middle East Christian satellite broadcaster SAT-7 said ...

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Survey finds many parents to continue homeschooling after pandemic

Many parents who are homeschooling out of necessity during the pandemic are finding that they actually prefer it. Forty percent of families surveyed are more likely to homeschool or virtual school after ...

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Sunday school revamps online to ease Coronavirus fear in kids

The coronavirus pandemic can be tough on young children, but creative ways to share Sunday School lessons are making it easier. Brian Kaylor didn’t realize how the pandemic was emotionally impacting his ...

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Senator Rand Paul tells Fauci: ‘You’re not the end-all’

paul fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was forced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Tuesday to answer tough questions over Fauci’s often contradictory statements.  In regards to when to ...

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Fulani Islamists slaughter Nigerian children at home from lockdown

As Fulani militants murder children in Nigeria, Release International is calling on the African country to protect its Christian minority in the north. The charity reports Fulani Islamists continue to carry out attacks against ...

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Experts offer encouragement to parents new to homeschooling

Many parents are homeschooling now out of necessity instead of choice. Experts encourage them to give some grace to both their children and themselves. “As you start out, trying to juggle all ...

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4 Christian companies offering free streaming and video in April


If your only definition of streaming is “Netflix,” then April is a great time to try something new. That’s because multiple family-friendly services — including four of the best ones — are ...

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Child Evangelism Fellowship provides online tools for explaining pandemic to children

The ongoing coronavirus epidemic is hard enough for adults to comprehend, much less children. Child Evangelism Fellowship is providing online help with conversing with children about such troubling situations as the coronavirus ...

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‘Pandemic’ documentary is an eerie must-watch during the current crisis

pandemic documentary

The best new entry to the Netflix lineup is a documentary series that won’t leave you laughing or even cheering — although it’s so engrossing that you might binge it until the ...

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Free educational resources for homeschooling during crisis

With schools shut down, many parents are being thrust into the brave new world of homeschooling for the first time. Free help and resources are available from several Christian organizations. One company, ...

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What’s the best religious museum in America?


What’s the best religious museum in the nation? That question was posed to USA Today readers who responded by choosing the Ark Encounter. It comes just in time as families’ talk turns ...

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U.S. Supreme Court says it will hear same-sex adoption case

supreme court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a case that could determine if, because of their religious beliefs, faith-based adoption agencies can decline to place children in same-sex homes. The ...

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‘Families Ride Free’ on Topeka Metro during Spring Break week

Topeka Metro bus

The Topeka Metro bus system in Topeka has announced their 8th Annual Spring Fling/Families Ride Free campaign to take place during Spring Break week. Families can ride all fixed routes free of ...

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Gage Park mini train, Carousel open for Spring Break week


Topeka’s Gage Park mini train is back on track. The Gage Park mini train and carousel will be open for Spring Break, the week of March 7-14. After Spring Break, the rides ...

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